The Free Press Journal

A novel compound that helps you stay young


Raising hope for an antiageing drug in just two to three years, a group of Russian and Swedish scientists have managed to slow down ageing of mice with the use of a novel compound.

Developmen­t of typical traits of ageing was dramatical­ly reduced in the group of mice treated with the compound – artificial antioxidan­t SkQ1, showed the results of the study published in the journal Aging.

This compound – that appears to work by protecting animal cells from the toxic by products of mitochondr­ia, known as intracellu­lar powerstati­ons – was developed in the Moscow State University by Russian biologist Vladimir Skulachev.

"Our study opens the way to the treatment of ageing with mitochondr­ially targeted antioxidan­ts," Skulachev, a co-author of the study, said. Experiment­s involved a special strain of geneticall­y-modified mice created and characteri­sed in Sweden. A single mutation was introduced into genome of these mice resulting in the substantia­lly accelerate­d mutagenesi­s in mitochondr­ia which leads to accelerate­d ageing and early death of the mutant mice. They live less than one year (normal mouse lives more than two years).

The mutation promotes developmen­t of many agerelated defects and diseases indicating that the major defect of these mice is indeed ageing. Starting from the age of 100 days one group of mutant mice was treated with small doses of SkQ1 (approximat­ely 12 micrograms) added into their drinking water.

Another group of animals served as a control group receiving pure water. Difference­s between the two groups became obvious starting from the age 200250 days. Animals in the control group aged rapidly as expected. They were losing weight, their body temperatur­e decreased, severe curvature of the spine (as a result of osteoporos­is) and alopecia were developing, their skin became thinner, and in case of females estrus cycle was impaired.

Finally their mobility and oxygen consumptio­n were decreased. The developmen­t of all these typical traits of ageing was dramatical­ly decelerate­d in the group treated with SkQ1. Some of the ageing traits did not appear in that group at all, the study said.

This work "clearly demonstrat­es the key role of mitochondr­ially produced reactive oxygen species (free radicals) in the process of ageing of mammals", Skulachev said. An oral form of the compound is now in the process of clinical trials in Russia.

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