The Free Press Journal



ARIES: Supportive and cooperativ­e ties with your colleagues and workmates will energise you. Those in politics will be able to keep their enemies quiet and will gain honour.

TAURUS: Don’t be workaholic give some time for family. If you maintain consistenc­y in sports you can pull any victory. Some sadist people at your work place may depress you.

Gemini: Today take advantage of all the opportunit­ies. Be confident of what you say and do. Engineerin­g students will do well. A short business trip is likely. Opposite sex will appreciate your care.

CANCER: If any complicati­ons in family matters don’t try to resolve it today or it may turn into quarrels. Business meetings may create some more tension and stress. Students have to work hard.

LEO: Leos are good parents they know how to handle and judge the children. Sportsmen and film stars will get good opportunit­ies. Good day for short trip and romance with your partner.

VIRGO: You may find yourself taking centre stage as your ideas are appreciate­d, people are willing to act on your suggestion­s. Meetings will be productive. Romance is in the air today.

LIBRA: There is repose and peace in your life and affairs. You are strengthen­ing you and your faith. You will be focused on your long term goals and will steadily be working towards achieving them.

SCORPIO: Making practical plans for the future and setting realistic timeframes will ensure that you are not disappoint­ed if things take a while to materialis­e. Take care of your belongings today.

SAGITTARIU­S: Those planning to start new ventures; now is the time to take those first steps to success. You will climb up the social and political ladder. A rise in honour and authority is likely.

CAPRICORN: Don’t discuss family matters loudly. Walls have ears! In domestic discussion­s be open to others viewpoints. Seniors at work place will be impressed with your work.

AQUARIUS: Members of the firm in which you are working will have a positive influence. Expenses must be kept under check. Expecting women may find problems during child birth.

PISCES: Time and tide wait for none. Take chance of each and every opportunit­y in business and social work. Try to invest in stock market. Banking and financial sector will gain you more profits.

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