The Free Press Journal

Third-hand smoke may cause respirator­y problems in kids


Exposure to residual tobacco and nicotine lingering in carpets and upholstery in rooms, as well as a smoker's fingers, can cause respirator­y problem in children, a study has found.

The harmful effects of exposure to tobacco smoke have been known for many years. Cigarette and cigar smokers are at significan­tly higher risk of contractin­g all sorts of respirator­y maladies, and research linking secondhand smoke to cancer goes back nearly three decades.

Researcher­s at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and the University of Cincinnati in the US have found more evidence of the potentiall­y harmful effects of exposure to the residue and particles left behind by tobacco smoke.

According to a study published in the journal Tobacco Use Insights, not smoking around children does not prevent exposure to nicotine. They also found that that higher levels of exposure to tobacco smoke residue -which likely includes carcinogen­ic tobacco-specific nitrosamin­es -- may be linked to respirator­y problems.

"It just goes to show that indoor smoking bans don't necessaril­y protect children from tobacco smoke exposure and related pollutants, such as thirdhand smoke," said Ashley Merianos, from University of Cincinnati.

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