The Ideal Home and Garden


Through Translate, Vinita Passary is reviving the age-old regional art of Ikat through weaving, designing, producing and retailing. A chat with the co-founder


What was the idea behind translate? Translate is a concept label that works with regional ikat artisans to resurrect the magic of magnificen­t art of ikat; by supporting a dying craft, and bringing the thread back in the hands of the weavers, who otherwise had opted for mundane jobs.

Translate primarily focuses on? Translate focuses on reviving the age-old traditiona­l art of Ikat; bringing it to a larger audience through weaving, designing, producing and retailing. This is a one-of-its-kind attempt to reintroduc­e Pochampall­y Ikat weaves to suit urban, chic, and comfortabl­e everyday fashion.

The different collection­s available? We have a classic collection consisting of design in ikats from famous pochampall­y region in red, grey, black, white, indigo. We have had seasonal collection for winter and summer. Winter had bigger patterns in deeper colours like ruby, midnight blue, charcoal, wine, olive - with this years collection called ‘soaking the winter sun,’ we are launching the summer collection now, which has more pastel like yellow, orange and beige.

How strongly translate associates itself with local artisans?

We work with the weavers in Pochampall­y region of Telengana. We promote working with women artisans and empowering them. We are constantly in touch with the weavers on day to day basis to check the progress of our textiles. As we only work with Ikats, we provide them continuous work unlike working with them for only a single collection.

The way ahead?

We have recently started our flagship store in Bengaluru. We plan to spread Ikats in other cities too. We plan to explore ikats in more varieties of fibre, thereby bringing a larger choice to our clients by pushing our own limitation and giving back more to the weavers.

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