The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Kansas shooter due in court


A WHITE US Navy veteran charged with murdering an Indian software engineer at a Kansas bar was due in court on Monday over the shooting, which federal authoritie­s are probing as a possible hate crime.

Adam Purinton, 51, is accused of killing Srinivas Kuchibhotl­a, 32, and wounding Alok Madasani, also 32, as well as an American who tried to intervene during Wednesday evening’s incident at Austins Bar and Grill in Olathe.

The shooting in the Kansas City suburb led news bulletins in India, where some people suggested on social media that U.S. President Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigratio­n had fueled a climate of intoleranc­e.

A White House spokesman said on Friday that any loss of life was tragic, but that it was absurd to link the killing to Trump’s “America First” stance.

At least one bystander told the Kansas City Star he shouted “get out of my country” before shooting the Indian victims.

Purinton will be read charges ofonecount­ofpremedit­atedfirstd­egree murder and two counts of attempted murder at a hearing at Johnson County District Court scheduled for 1.30 pm (1930 Gmt),aspokeswom­anforthedi­strict attorney’s office said.

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