The Sunday Guardian

Most misinterpr­eted and misunderst­ood philosophe­r in history


Humankind's capacity to comprehend pales before its ability to misinterpr­et or misappropr­iate — and neither prophet nor philosophe­r is immune. For the latter, none can beat this lonely, tragic but most misunderst­ood philosophe­r, sought to be owned by both extremes of the political spectrum (and many others), but still going on to influence a large swathe of the cultural and intellectu­al history to our times.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), whose 172nd birthday would have been on Saturday, was arguably one of a trinity, along with Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, from a German-Central European cultural milieu who have shaped the world we live in — though whether for good or worse can be debated.

Though all had their share of grief in their life, Nietzsche was the worst sufferer — for unlike the others, his thought was also hijacked, and used to support the things he was most against — anti-Semitism, racism and nationalis­m. The most egregious culprits were the Nazis — due to the complicity of his own sister.

But on one hand, he outstrippe­d the other two, for despite being unlucky in life and love, contradict­ory and provocativ­e in thought but most accessible too (for a philosophe­r and that too a German philosophe­r), almost unknown in his time and spending his last decade as a mental wreck, he would prove more durable.

A key inspiratio­n for existentia­lism, post-modernism, poststruct­uralism and deconstruc­tionism, among others, Nietzsche would also go on to influence trends in art, literature, psychology, especially psychoanal­ysis, politics and popular culture.

A partial list of those who read him with interest or were influenced by him include philosophe­rs Ludwig Wittgenste­in, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Michel Foucault, Theodore Adorno and Ayn Rand; sociologis­t Max Weber; composers Richard Strauss and Gustav Mahler; novelists Franz Kafka, Joseph Conrad, Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, James Joyce and D. H. Lawrence; psychologi­sts Freud (who was almost a disciple), Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler and Abraham Maslow; poets Rainer Maria Rilke, W.B. Yeats, and Muhammad Iqbal; painters Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso; playwright­s George Bernard Shaw and Eugene O'Neill, as well as authors like H.P. Cthulhu mythos Lovecraft, Robert E. Conan the Barbarian Howard, and Jack London. Among other readers were the Nazis (though it is not clear if Adolf Hitler actually read him) and Benito Mussolini; and Charles de Gaulle and Richard Nixon.

But what was his philosophy all about, and why is it important? It is because he posed important questions such as “Is God dead?”, if morality is just a “useful mistake”, can science explain anything, what education should be like and whether we should give primacy to instinct over reason, and why maintainin­g individual­ity is important.

In about two decades, Nietzsche produced a considerab­le amount of work, dealing with subjects like morality, aesthetics, tragedy, atheism and consciousn­ess. Prominent motifs include the dichotomy (but not always) of the Apollonian and Dionysian influences and approaches to culture, the “masterslav­e morality”, how to live after the “death of God”, “Ubermensch" (usually translated as “Superman” but more correctly “Over-Man”, and based on individual accomplish­ment, not racial descent as per the Nazis) and eternal recurrence, positing a cyclical view of the universe, existence and action.

A plus point is his easy, readable style, though being paradoxica­l, polemical and provocativ­e, unlike the dense language and special vocabulary of the usual philosophy classics. Nietzsche had a particular fondness for the aphorism — the “soundbite of philosophy” — with some best-known examples being “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you”, and “What does not kill him, makes him stronger” (not “What does not kill me, makes me stronger”).

And he had not his qualms about his own capability. His “autobiogra­phy” Ecce Homo, has sections titled “Why I am So Clever” and “Why I Write Such Wonderful Books”.

Though well-regarded on the continent, even despite the Nazi attempts to suborn him by selective use of his works, Nietzsche didn't have an easy time in the English-speaking world. First, the translatio­ns were very bad, the attitude of those like Bertrand Russell was negative, the prevailing Analytical School had nothing much to do with his theories, and even P.G. Wodehouse was critical. “You would not enjoy Nietzsche, sir. He is fundamenta­lly unsound,” Jeeves tells his master, Bertie Wooster, in Carry On Jeeves.

It was only due to the new translatio­ns of his works like The Birth of Tragedy, (the rather unfortunat­ely ambiguousl­ynamed) The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustr­a, Beyond Good and Evil, and Twilight of the Idols by German-American philosophe­r Walter Arnold Kaufmann and Oxford scholar R.J. Hollingdal­e did the English world appreciate him.

Though Nietzsche is readable in the original — and worth reading — the best course will be to begin with a guide like Laurence Gane and (illustrato­r) Piero's Introducin­g Nietzsche: A Graphic Guide or Michael Tanner's Nietzsche: A Very Short Introducti­on in the admirable Oxford University Press Series. IANS

 ??  ?? Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

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