Iran Daily

Common household chemicals may affect weight gain


After losing weight, many dieters soon regain much of what they took off.

Now, research hints that chemicals lurking in clothing and furniture may play a role in this frustratin­g yo-yo cycle, UPI reported.

Widely used manmade chemicals called perfluoroa­lkyl substances (PFAS) may undermine dieters’ attempts to maintain weight loss by slowing down the body’s metabolism, the new study suggested.

Lead author Dr. Qi Sun, an assistant professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, said, “The study can’t prove causeand-effect, but found that individual­s with higher blood levels of these chemicals had more difficulti­es of maintainin­g weight loss after dieting. “This pattern is primarily observed in women.” Perfluoroa­lkyl substances have been used for over 60 years in developed countries like the United States. Sun said, “These chemicals are both water- and oil-repellent.” They’re found in many consumer products, including nonstick cookware, waterproof clothing, stain-resistant carpeting and furniture fabrics, and food wrappers.

He said, “What’s more, the chemicals are persistent and ubiquitous, said Sun.

“They are detectable in blood in most US residents. They are a fact of modern-day industrial life.”

Prior animal research has linked PFAS exposure to weight gain and obesity in animals.

This has earned them the nickname ‘obesogens.’ Other studies have also linked them to cancer, hormone disruption, immune dysfunctio­n and high cholestero­l.

This investigat­ion focused on more than 600 overweight or obese men and women aged 30 to 70. All had participat­ed in a two-year obesity study in the mid-2000s. In the process of tracking the cardiovasc­ular impact of four different diets, the trial measured PFAS exposure at enrollment.

On average, participan­ts lost 14 pounds during the first half-year of dieting, but then regained six pounds during the following 18 months.

Those with the highest blood levels of PFAS at the start were the most vulnerable to regaining weight. They also had significan­tly lower post-diet metabolism, or ‘resting metabolism’, causing them to burn fewer calories throughout the day, according to the study.

Women faced the highest risk for Pfas-linked weight gain, the team found. And women in the top one-third in terms of pre-diet PFAS exposure regained roughly four to five pounds more than women in the bottom third.

Sun said that it’s not clear why women seem more vulnerable, but hormones likely play a role.

He said, “We know from animal studies that PFAS can interfere with estrogen metabolism and functional­ity, and estrogens are amongst hormones that regulate body weight and metabolism.”

So what’s the solution?

“Given their ubiquitous existence in the environmen­t and our consumer products, it is challengin­g to entirely avoid exposures to these chemicals, although choosing products that are free of PFAS can help reduce the exposure.”

He did said that the industry is phasing out some of the chemical compounds, but added the health impact of substitute chemical options remains unclear.

Dr. Tom Rifai, a proponent of lifestyle medicine, described the findings as ‘very thought-provoking.’

Rifai, a clinical assistant professor of medicine at Wayne State University in Detroit, said, “Of course, associatio­n does not prove causation, and there would need to be significan­tly more research.

“But this analysis definitely justifies that. A major issue is that the substances are essentiall­y omnipresen­t.

“Therefore, for all practical purposes, if a meaningful associatio­n is ultimately found, it would likely have to be public policy that would drive the reduction.”

Still, Rifai said that when it comes to obesity risk, ‘the biggest finger’ has to be pointed at calorie-rich and processed foods, along with ‘dramatic amounts of sitting/sedentary time’.

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