Iran Daily

How one teaspoon of Amazon soil teems with fungal life


A teaspoon of soil from the Amazon contains as many as 1,800 microscopi­c life forms, of which 400 are fungi.

Largely invisible and hidden undergroun­d, the “dark matter” of life on Earth has “amazing properties”, which we’re just starting to explore, say scientists, BBC News reported.

The vast majority of the estimated 3.8 million fungi in the world have yet to be formally classified.

Yet, fungi are surprising­ly abundant in soil from Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest.

To help protect the Amazon Rainforest, which is being lost at an ever-faster rate, it is essential to understand the role of fungi, said a team of researcher­s led by Professor Alexandre Antonelli, director of science at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in the the UK.

“Take a teaspoon of soil and you will find hundreds or thousands of species,” he said. “Fungi are the next frontier of biodiversi­ty science.”

Fungi are usually neglected in inventorie­s of biodiversi­ty, being inconspicu­ous and largely hidden undergroun­d.

Fewer than 100 types of fungi have been evaluated for the Internatio­nal Union for Conservati­on of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, compared with more than 25,000 plants and 68,000 animals.

Fungi in soil from tropical countries are particular­ly poorly understood. To find out about soil from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, researcher­s collected samples of soil and leaf litter from four regions.

Genetic analysis revealed hundreds of different fungi, including lichen, fungi living on the roots of plants, and fungal pathogens, most of which are unknown or extremely rare. Most species have yet to be named and investigat­ed.

Areas of naturally open grasslands, known as campinas, were found to be the richest habitat for fungi overall, where they may help the poorer soil take up nutrients.

Understand­ing soil diversity is critical in conservati­on actions to preserve the world’s most diverse forest in a changing world, said Camila Ritter of the University of Duisburg-essen in Germany.

“For this, we need to put below-ground biodiversi­ty on the agenda for future conservati­on action plans,” she said.

Fungi are essential for recycling nutrients and regulating carbon dioxide levels, as well as being a source of food and medicines.

Yet, some species have a darker side; devastatin­g trees, crops and other plants across the world, and wiping out animals such as amphibians.

The research, by teams in the UK, Brazil, Germany, Sweden and Estonia, is published in the journal Ecology and Evolution.


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