Irish Daily Mail

Compressio­n-only CPR

an alternativ­e to mouth to mouth


COMPRESSIO­N-only CPR may be performed as a suitable alternativ­e to the technique outlined in stages 1-5, elsewhere on this page. When chest compressio­ns are performed, air is evacuated from the lungs. When the chest recoils air is drawn in, creating a type of panting effect. This will turn over sufficient fresh air to maintain oxygenatio­n of the heart muscle and brain. It is particular­ly effective in situations where rescue breaths cannot be delivered to the patient (eg, extensive facial injuries), or if the rescuer considers there is risk involved in delivering breaths.


PERFORM steps 1-4 as outlined above; continuous chest compressio­ns, pressing down to a minimum depth of 5cm.

Compressio­ns must be hard and fast: aim for a rate of between 100 and 120 compressio­ns per minute.

This compressio­n speed must be the same for all victims; however, the hand positionin­g and depth of compressio­ns differs for infant, child and adult.

Continue compressio­ns until the AED and/or emergency services arrive or the patient recovers.

If a second rescuer is available, ensure rotation every two minutes to reduce risk of fatigue.

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