Irish Daily Mail

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20


WITH Venus and Mercury entering your sign today, things are on the up, and this bodes well for your finances and your romantic outlook. You’ll also discover that you can find innovative solutions to irritating historic problems. This is the dawning of a phase of creativity, and you’ll be able to anticipate other people’s needs and meet your own. There’s passion in the air – with plenty of opportunit­y for generous-hearted encounters. It sounds like fun! As Mercury and Venus move homes, the sky is charged with astrologic­al promise. For your inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YOU have an inherent appreciati­on of the rhythms of life, and you understand that there’s a natural right time and place for everything. You also understand the art of patience, that when you allow things space and time, that circumstan­ces tend to work out so you find yourself where you need to be. It’s a fundamenta­l cosmic law that everything will change, so your instinct about a dream coming true can be trusted. Something that was unrealisti­c is now possible. Powerful changes are possible as the planets of love and communicat­ion meet. To maximise and enjoy the effects, call your latest forecast: 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

JUST because the truth is at times painful doesn’t mean that we should avoid speaking it. When we hear about terrible miscarriag­es of justice, there’s no logic to thinking that the perpetrato­rs were only doing it to be socially conscious. All dastardly deeds can be justified, but that doesn’t make them acceptable. Your intellect might be overwhelme­d by reasoning, but your heart knows what’s right. When you see something that has been obscured, take it as a positive. As Mercury and Venus move homes, the sky is charged with promise. For your inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

SOMETIMES the best bit about having a goal is the journey reaching it: it’s more about the chase than the prize. When we’re motivated, we feel energised and find the stamina to do far more than we thought we could. When you think about it, it’s hardly surprising that when we actually attain the prize, we often feel let down. Since it’s looking as if you’re likely to get what you want this week, take full advantage of each step of the journey. Then you’ll be ready to appreciate your gain. Powerful changes are possible as the planets of love and communicat­ion meet. To maximise and enjoy the effects, call your latest forecast: 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

NO ONE will ever be able to agree on how to tackle challenges. Some people think that we should face our fears head-on and deal with them, while others think it’s better to ignore them and focus on the things that inspire and motivate us. The truth is that different tactics work in different situations. So how does that help with your current dilemma? At the moment, the cosmic indication is that if you manage to steer clear of problemati­c situations, they’ll resolve in a surprising­ly helpful way. As Mercury and Venus move homes, the sky is charged with promise. For your inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

FOR some people there isn’t a single mystery in the universe that won’t eventually be understood. Others believe that the cosmos is a paradox in which all answers just lead to further questions. This is a simple way of defining the difference between scientific and artistic minds. Yet we all have a mix of both of these qualities – and that is a good thing. Your practical side is about to be inspired by an idea that seems irrational. All you need to do is to trust, then do what you feel is right. Powerful changes are possible as the planets of love and communicat­ion meet. To maximise and enjoy the effects, call your latest forecast: 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

LIKE iron fillings around a magnet, opposites attract, but there’s no guarantee this will happen with people. Neither is it true birds of a feather will necessaril­y get along. But being part of a team in which individual talents are creatively used to balance other people’s weaknesses – well that sounds like something that you could do with in your life. As Mercury and Venus move opposite your sign, there’s a chance that you can find yourself in just this sort of arrangemen­t. As Mercury and Venus move homes, the sky is charged with astrologic­al promise. For your inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

FOR some people, Heaven is the world’s finest patisserie where they can eat all they want without the consequenc­es. For others it’s a café where they hang out with their favourite celebs. Your idea of paradise, though, is of an action-packed, exciting place filled with drama and intrigue. What makes it different from normal life is that all your decisions work out favourably. As Mercury and Venus change signs today, your concept of Heaven seems more realistic than most. Powerful changes are possible as the planets of love and communicat­ion meet. To maximise and enjoy the effects, call your latest forecast: 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

WE ALL have a picture in our minds of how things should be. We also know that we don’t live in an ideal world. But although we can easily excuse our own behaviour, we do forget that other people fail to live up to their own ideals. Recently your patience has been tested by someone’s attitude. Today, as Mercury and Venus change signs, see if you can allow more slack than you’d normally give – you’ll make an investment that will eventually be rewarding. As Mercury and Venus move homes, the sky is charged with astrologic­al promise. For your inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

AS MERCURY and Venus change signs, they move into a part of the sky that speaks to the instinctiv­e part of your nature. Their presence will remind you of how you created the roots of the success from which your achievemen­ts have grown. This is a private place which you protect from prying eyes. But their presence brings energy and ideas, and you’ll find you’re more easily able to trust your intuition and listen to your heart. They bring nutrients that will enrich your soul. Powerful changes are possible as the planets of love and communicat­ion meet. To maximise the effects, call your latest forecast: 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

LEGEND has it that when the designers of the first synthesise­r keyboard showcased it to retailers, it received universal acclaim but not a single order. Six months later, following another demonstrat­ion, they got enough deals to ensure their invention became a mainstay of the industry. All the only change they made was to hide the cables. Sometimes only presentati­on stands between success and failure. If you want your idea to catch on, make sure you maximise its appeal. As Mercury and Venus move homes, the sky is charged with promise. For your inspiring guide to the week ahead, call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

AS VENUS and Mercury leave your sign and enter the part of the sky that governs your security, it’s likely that you’ll become conscious of the things that prevent you from feeling safe. That might sound scary, but there’s nothing that can really threaten you. Our insecuriti­es are often caused by fears about things in the future rather than truths based in the present. You always have the power to change how you feel about your life. Be positive, then your concerns will melt away. Powerful changes are possible as the planets of love and communicat­ion meet. To maximise and enjoy the effects, call your latest forecast: 1550 511 611.

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