Irish Daily Mail

How lack of sleep can wreak havoc in your life


Sleep deprivatio­n causes problems for the growth of young people, impacting on their growth hormones, which are released when children are asleep. If a young person does not get enough sleep, their body’s ability to grow or regenerate is reduced.

Impaired judgment is a common result of lack of sleep, making someone more likely to make bad decisions and incorrect judgments, and also more likely to have an accident.

Concentrat­ion levels take a major hit if a person doesn’t get enough sleep. This difficulty to focus and pay attention impacts on productivi­ty and, in the case of children, affects their schoolwork.

Lack of sleep often has a major impact on someone’s mood. Those with poor sleeping patterns can be irritable, short-tempered and depressed due to their insomnia.

An insufficie­nt amount of sleep can lead to weight gain, and connected health problems. When exhausted, people often give into the temptation to reach for foods high in sugar for an energy boost.

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