Irish Daily Mail

Swirling out of the stardust, a planet is born

- By Victoria Allen

MEET PDS 70b, the newest planet in the universe. It is a little larger than Jupiter, sizzles at 1,000C and is just a few million years old.

This image was captured as the planet, which looks little more than a golden blob, formed from vast swirls of gas and dust around a young star 370million light years away in the Milky Way.

Experts from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy believe this first glimpse of such a young planet could help unlock secrets of Earth’s origins. Researcher­s used the European Southern Observator­y’s Very Large Telescope to spot the planet.

Measuring the rays of light it sends back to Earth gives them a world of informatio­n about life on PDS 70b. They now know it’s cloudy up there and a year lasts 118 times as long as one on Earth.

Dr André Müller, from the German institute’s team, said: ‘The detection of a young planet like this is crucial to better understand the evolution of our solar system.’

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