Irish Daily Mail


CHOOSE cryptic clues or quick, the answers are exactly the same. The Solution will appear in MONDAY’S PAPER.



12 With U categorisa­tion clearly displayed (3,3,2,3) 13 Mum going to gala out in southern Spain (6) 14 I am taken back home by a girl (6) 16 Stepped on the time switch (4) 17 Silly nit with assets not handing them down (9) 18 If so, could be a foreign city (5) 19 Lean to the left. It’s wobbly (4) 20 Pay another call on and repeat what you said before (4,5) 22 Between twelve and two, make up for (5) 23 Beginning with the L in ‘alarming’ (9) 27 Back up in ‘diet’s ridiculous’ argument (7) 30 Mother got employment in an exhibition locale (6) 31 Steal quietly away. Move very slowly (4) 32 Quip from school friend (5) 35 Having a wager about, win against (4) 36 Interrupts with objection. Isn’t thrown by (5,2) 38 A starter will, we’re told — or a pudding (4) 39 Cheat outrageous­ly, myself, carrying knife (7) 42 Tasks for trained carthorse Art goes off with (6) 45 Notes scum has formed around one (5) 46 Because the protege is cheeky (7) 47 Turn back a little, to ‘Informatio­n’ (4) 48 I have a picture just like that! (4) 50 Makes cases with built-in key (7) 52 Beat the most easily beaten (5) 54 Tried ineffectiv­ely to muffle a diatribe (6) 56 Insects, flying insects, let loose inside (7) 57 Singer who’s a b--- fool! (4) 59 Ruled to have reignited when it went out (7) 61 Give us a tune on the piano — not profession­al (4) 64 Figure the tail must wag. That’s crucial (5) 66 I managed to swallow the water (4) 67 Waste is the issue (6) 69 Needing no urging. I’d turned in early, shattered (7) 72 Photograph, erroneousl­y file as ‘Painting’ (5,4) 73 If I get out of line, is outspoken (5) 74 Funny poster with animal in it, lying down (9) 79 To dress in, we are cutting the bottom off (4) 81 Value, but throw out (5) 82 And, running in, greet a bounding dog (5,4) 83 Skip it, lady (4) 85 More prepared than I am, for one (6) 86 All ten, I worry about (6) 87 Decider as to who gets which role? (7,4)


1 Secure a cabin coming back (4) 2 On Sunday, go off and leave lumbered with (6) 3 Going up in the air at female not telling truth (6) 4 I can’t possibly hold on, to rein in (7) 5 Stop to reconnoite­r, having key to enter (5) 6 Calls twice and identifies (5,5) 7 Lift again as I scramble through (5) 8 In a moment, will it show you’re not altogether right? (4,1,4) 9 Iris folds map to squeeze inside and damages (7) 10 And coo his name? (4) 11 Own plane flies, with royal, therefore, on board (8) 15 Animal let out to scare (6) 21 Think it’s the quiet one — one on the outside (5) 24 Bearing the burden of being very unpopular (7) 25 Swears they’re remedies for having caught the sun (6) 26 Go for the redhead (6) 28 Repeat ‘Not a misspellin­g of saint’s name’ (5) 29 Label upside down for creature often seen upside down (3) 33 Walked heavily in the way that characteri­sed? (7) 34 He’s a criminal and will be captured in a little (6) 37 Saying nothing, pockets (5) 40 Having carried a child to bed, head off (5) 41 Drink with man, single (7) 43 Consequent­ly, when case was lost (5) 44 It won’t bite, idiot! (6) 46 A smaller quantity — half of — were wrong (5) 49 In pill to dissolve fat, there’s a risk (7) 51 Drills soldier isn’t crazy about (6) 53 Annoyed about article, complained (6) 55 Paid off by end of year, losing no time (5) 58 Amour-propre derived from looking in the mirror? (4-6) 60 Note said ‘Female animal’ (3) 62 Apportion, after a tax rise (5) 63 Misshapen medal, strange kind, found inside (9) 65 Having financial trouble the Queen vaguely hinted about (2,3,3) 68 Embarrasse­d, stuff back the money (6) 70 Bombastic language used to describe a garden? (7) 71 Dimension that’s completely new for the bard (7) 75 In view of the fact that one’s dating (6) 76 Take off and go to another new location (6) 77 Pale and with fluctuatin­g energy (5) 78 Right to stand up and speak about homeless person (5) 80 Appraise, only removing ‘ornately’ (4) 84 Location? It’s out East (4)


12 Clearly displayed (3,3,2,3) 13 Andalusian port (6) 14 Damsel (6) 16 Stepped (4) 17 Without a will (9) 18 Bulgarian capital (5) 19 Heel over (4) 20 Please repeat (4,5) 22 Make reparation (5) 23 Alarming (9) 27 Argument (7) 30 Exhibition place (6) 31 Measure of length (4) 32 Quip (5) 35 Wallop (4) 36 Interrupts (5,2) 38 Pudding ingredient (4) 39 Heavy knife (7) 42 Tasks (6) 45 Melodious sounds (5) 46 Pert (7) 47 Facts (4) 48 Photograph (4) 50 Makes (7) 52 Least good (5) 54 Harangue (6) 56 Insects (7) 57 Deep voice (4) 59 Ruled (7) 61 Perform on instrument (4) 64 Crucial (5) 66 Shower (4) 67 Offspring (6) 69 Willingly (7) 72 Painting (5,4) 73 Candid (5) 74 Lying down (9) 79 Dress in (4) 81 Value (5) 82 Dog (5,4) 83 Unmarried female (4) 85 Gun dog (6) 86 Whole (6) 87 Final decider (7,4)


1 Tie up (4) 2 Lumber with (6) 3 Taking wing (6) 4 Accommodat­e (7) 5 Stop (5) 6 Identifies (5,5) 7 Lift (5) 8 Jiffy (4,1,4) 9 Damages (7) 10 Account (4) 11 Private (8) 15 Disconcert (6) 21 Deem (5) 24 Hated (7) 25 Swears (6) 26 Spice (6) 28 Male saint (5) 29 Label (3) 33 Branded (7) 34 Outlaw (6) 37 Steals (slang) (5) 40 Carried (5) 41 Cocktail (7) 43 Thus (5) 44 Fool (6) 46 Not as many (5) 49 Danger (7) 51 Exercises (6) 53 Complained (6) 55 Swift (5) 58 Amour-propre (4-6) 60 Female animal (3) 62 Apportion (5) 63 Misshapen (9) 65 Overdrawn (2,3,3) 68 Currency (6) 70 Bombastic (7) 71 Width (7) 75 Looking at (6) 76 Take away (6) 77 Pale (5) 78 Waif (5) 80 Appraise (4) 84 Location (4)

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