Irish Daily Mail



Bronchosto­p Thyme Cough Pastilles, €3.99, pack of 10 CLAIM: Traditiona­l herbal medicinal product [made with thyme] used for the relief of chesty coughs and dry, tickly, irritating coughs and catarrh. Non-drowsy. EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Sucking a lozenge is like taking a linctus cough syrup — it helps to suppress the cough reflex by coating the throat,’ says Alyn Morice, a professor of respirator­y medicine.

‘There’s quite good research to support use of thyme — studies have shown it dampens down one of the main cough receptors [nerves that trigger coughing] in the throat.

‘In fact, the herb is already a widely used treatment in Germany for coughs and upper respirator­y infections.

‘Some people make thyme tea using fresh herbs and hot water — but I think taking it as a lozenge like this is better as you’ll get a set amount of thyme.

‘However, loose herbs can vary widely in preparatio­n and strength, so the benefits you get from the remedy may vary.’


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