Irish Daily Mirror

We women may be wrong on ‘man flu’


During the past few weeks several men in my family have succumbed to ‘man flu’, accompanie­d by catcalls from us women of wimpishnes­s and jibes that they should try giving birth.

Well, we may have to eat our words. According to an item in the British Medical Journal, man flu is real and there’s some science behind it.

The dictionary definition (yes, it’s even got into the Oxford Dictionary) states man flu is “a cold or similar minor ailment as experience­d by a man who is regarded as exaggerati­ng the severity of the symptoms”.

But years ago, animal studies showed females have a greater immune response to flu, leading us to think sex hormones must affect recovery from such bugs.

Later studies showed women have a stronger immune response to the rhinovirus than men of the same age.

Even the World Health Organisati­on stresses that “sex should be considered when evaluating influenza exposure and outcomes”. In a Hong Kong study, men had a higher risk of hospital admission, and in a US study men had higher rates of influenza-associated deaths than women. Women are also more responsive to the flu jab.

One study noted that men with higher testostero­ne levels had a poor response to vaccinatio­n, suggesting testostero­ne may work against it.

The sex difference­s don’t stop at influenza. With many acute respirator­y diseases, males are more susceptibl­e to complicati­ons and suffer a higher death rate. Women are also more likely to rest, contradict­ing the common myth that men cut down activities more than women by exaggerati­ng the severity of their symptoms.

And in a survey (though unscientif­ic) completed by 2,131 readers of a popular magazine, men reported taking an average of three days to recover from viral respirator­y illness compared with 1.5 days for women.

Researcher­s suggest the increase in male sickness may be an important survival strategy since “it promotes energy conservati­on and reduces the risk of encounteri­ng predators”.

We’ve all observed the classic strategies used by men to conserve energy including lying on the couch, not getting out of bed, asking for help with every little thing, which clearly would avoid the risk of encounteri­ng a sabre-toothed tiger.

So is the concept of man flu, as commonly defined, unjust?

Dr Kyle Sue, who examined the impact of flu at Memorial University of Newfoundla­nd in Canada, suggests: “Perhaps now’s the time for malef-riendly spaces, equipped with enormous television­s and reclining chairs, to be set up where men can recover from the debilitati­ng effects of man flu in safety and comfort.”

The little dears.

 ??  ?? Studies show that we react better to flu jab
Studies show that we react better to flu jab

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