Irish Daily Mirror

Shortage of water is our mains issue


WITH another week of sunshine and high temperatur­es ahead there is a real risk there will have to be some form of water rationing introduced.

The fine weather has lifted the mood of the nation and it has also exposed this country’s unprepared­ness for a few weeks without rain.

Shops, restaurant­s and pubs are reporting business is better since the start of the heatwave, however, that could all change if there is any interrupti­on to the water supply.

While the public must play their part to conserve water the current situation has come about due to decades of underinves­tment in the mains network.

This is witnessed in the fact other EU countries with much larger population­s and huge tourist industries and which have much drier climates are seldom forced to introduce rationing.

It is totally unacceptab­le that what is perhaps the wettest country in the EU is the first one to run out of water after a spell of weather which is a normal summer for most states.

While there have been mutterings less water would be used if it was metered there is absolutely no proof this is the case or the situation would be any better if had been introduced.

There is certainly a need for a pipe to take water from the Shannon to the east of the country but not until the leaky mains network is repaired or replaced.

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