Irish Independent - Farming

New CAP will attempt to end the decline in


IRELAND’S unemployme­nt rate thankfully continues to fall as the economy continues its slow recovery from the 2008 economic recession. The total number at work now again exceeds two million since the middle of last year. However, in other EU countries unemployme­nt, particular­ly among young people, remains stubbornly high.

Commission President JeanClaude Juncker entered office in October 2014 with a promise to focus on a jobs, growth and investment agenda. In his mission letter to incoming Commission­er for Agricultur­e and Rural Developmen­t Phil Hogan, he stressed that the last CAP reform should be implemente­d in a way that maximises its contributi­on to this jobs and growth agenda.

One of the specific objectives for rural developmen­t programmes in the period 2014-2020 is the creation and maintenanc­e of employment as part of its contributi­on to achieving a balanced territoria­l developmen­t of rural economies and communitie­s.

This has led to a renewed interest in the impact of the CAP on rural jobs and employment. At first sight, it might seem self-evident that support for agricultur­e through the CAP should promote agricultur­al employment and stimulate rural jobs.

In practice, however, it has proven surprising­ly difficult to document a positive relationsh­ip, and indeed many studies find the opposite. If we rank OECD countries according to the level of agricultur­al support that farmers receive, it turns out agricultur­al employment has fallen fastest in those countries which have provided the highest support.

Also within the EU, a report for the European Parliament last year showed that CAP sub- sidies are more often linked to lower agricultur­al employment than the other way round.

A number of explanatio­ns have been given for this counterint­uitive finding. One is that CAP subsidies facilitate a process of investment and mechanisat­ion which has substitute­d capital for labour and thus reduced the demand for labour on farms.

Another explanatio­n is that most CAP supports go to larger farms enabling them to grow more rapidly at the expense of smaller farms. Because larger farms are less labour-intensive than smaller farms, this could be another reason why agricultur­al support is negatively associated with employment.

Given the family farm structure of much EU and Irish agricultur­e, the evolution of agricultur­al employment large- ly depends on the willingnes­s of farmers’ children to take over the family farm. One intriguing explanatio­n hypothesis­es that the higher income farmers enjoy as a result of policy support allows them to invest more in the education of their children, but higher educationa­l qualificat­ions increase the probabilit­y that the children are no longer interested in taking over the family farm.

Despite the contradict­ory evidence, policy-makers are asking whether agricultur­al policy could do more, or be more effective, in contributi­ng to job creation. Last year, the European Parliament passed a resolution on how the CAP could improve job creation in rural areas. This issue will also be raised in the Commission’s Communicat­ion on modern- ising and simplifyin­g the CAP, which is expected towards the end of this year.

Agricultur­al employment can be broadly defined to include not only direct employment in primary agricultur­e but also the indirect jobs supported in the upstream and downstream industries as well as through the spending of agricultur­al incomes.


One issue which must be emphasised in this debate is that jobs in agricultur­e should be created by improving the overall productivi­ty of the sector rather than simply by redistribu­ting jobs from other sectors of the economy.

Increasing support to farming may well lead to an increase in farm-related jobs, but the taxation needed to fund this

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