Irish Independent




1 Soldier husband who tries to supply all one’s needs? (7,5) 7 Where brothers may work together (5) 8 Lowered oneself? (5) 9 Temporaril­y bring down the standard (3) 10 It gives a bird’s eye view of the sea (5,4)

11 War hit broken spirit (6) 12 Code letter one has to eat, perhaps! (6) 15 Many papers have been impressed by one (9) 17 What to do at tea break? (3)

18 A sign in public libraries (5) 19 Three is an odd number! (5) 21 When the mail arrives from China? (3-6,3)


1 Acts to provide water and is popular with the spectators (4,4,4) 2 Not the right way to take things (3) 3 Fell but kept quiet (3,3) 4 Check an open invitation to shoplifter­s (4,5) 5 Thread rope through some aperture evenly (5) 6 Chances government approves of (5,7)

7 A Greek! (5)

10 Cry on finding it’s true, a claw has been broken (9)

13 Shorten coats (5)

14 Obvious protection for inventive types (6) 16 Label on the French piece of furniture (5) 20 Hasten from the chief (3)

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