New Ross Standard



ENSURE thAt rooms in your home contAining heAting AppliAnces Are properly ventilAted - NEVER BLOCK VENTS

• MAke sure All chimneys Are regulArly swept And kept cleAr • Use AppliAnces only for the PURPOSE for which they were designed, e.g. do not use A cooker to heAt A room

• NEVER use Any AppliAnce if you suspect it might Be fAulty • If undertAkin­g ALTERATION­S to your home which mAy Affect the sAfety or efficiency of your heAting instAllAti­on (e.g. Adding An extension, converting A gArAge, removing internAl wAlls, chAnging A living room into A Bedroom, douBle glAzing / weAther seAled doors) follow this sAfety Advice:

• Do not Block or Build Around Any existing Air vents or flues • If creAting A new living spAce, ensure it hAs ventilAtio­n in AccordAnce with Building RegulAtion­s

• If Adding AdditionAl rAdiAtors ensure thAt your Boiler cAn cope with the AdditionAl cApAcity

• If you Are Altering or Adding AppliAnces to A nAturAl gAs or LPG instAllAti­on, ensure thAt work is cArried out to IS813:2002 Domestic GAs InstAllAti­ons

• Get profession­Al Advice on ventilAtio­n And flueing Before emBArking on AlterAtion­s to your house. ContAct your fuel supplier suBstitute for regulAr inspection And mAintenAnc­e of AppliAnces, vents, flues And chimneys. Check thAt the CArBon Monoxide AlArm complies with the EN 50291 stAndArd. NAturAl GAs Choose roomseAled AppliAnces.

With room-seAled AppliAnces fresh Air intAke for comBustion comes from outside of the house And emissions Are then dischArged outside Also. As such, the Air in the room where the AppliAnce is fitted is not used or Affected By the AppliAnce.

Therefore room-seAled AppliAnces (BAlAnced flue or fAnned drAught types) Are recommende­d for new And replAcemen­t Boilers And wAter heAters. Do you hAve An unsAfe wAter heAter? Flueless gAs wAter heAters Are considered dAngerous BecAuse they consume the Air inside the room.

This cAuses the products of comBustion - including toxic CArBon Monoxide - to dischArge directly into the room where the heAter is fitted. If used for extended periods, the levels of CArBon Monoxide cAn Build up to dAngerous levels if there is A lAck of ventilAtio­n.

Open flue-type wAter heAters locAted in BAthrooms Are Also considered unsAfe. If you think you mAy hAve An unsAfe gAs wAterheAte­r contAct Bord GÁis Networks now on 1850 79 79 79 for A free sAfety check.

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