Sunday Independent (Ireland)

Double dress code


Here at People Are Talking, we love Salma Hayek — she’s beautiful, brave, talented and speaks out for women. So imagine our shock when Salma went along with the latest ‘thing’ to hit the red carpet at the Oscars. Or rather, not hit the red carpet. The Oscars used to be all about the walk along the rug and what stars wore on it. Now one dress is no longer enough. Salma, along with Emily Blunt, Gal Gadot and Allison Janney, all changed their rig-outs to go to the Oscar after-parties. With Salma and Emily (above), we can see why. Although their dresses were probably stunning in real life, they were not photogenic and both women looked like they were auditionin­g to play the late Queen Mother — a huge fan of chiffon and frills. What would have been a truly revolution­ary #TimesUp act was if any these actresses had changed into trainers and jogging bottoms, determined to enjoy the party, rather than stand around posing like Petrified Princesses.

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