Sunday Independent (Ireland)

When you know what your medicine is, take it


Sometimes we avoid the very things we know we need. I’m acutely aware that meditation gives me the space to work through emotions and day-to-day problems. Recently, it felt like the world was catching up on me, and I was starting to develop an aversion to sitting for long periods; I was avoiding the very things I needed to face. Most of us do this in some form or another — making excuses and creating blocks on our own path. I knew I needed to do something, so I decided to do a full day sit (five hours of silent meditation). The morning of this sit, I woke up with a million excuses about why I couldn’t do it. My mum insisted I go — clearly, she knew I needed to do it — and even though it was tough at times, it was exactly what I needed. I was avoiding working on myself; however, when I did, my life became easier to manage and my stress plummeted. What’s your medicine? It can be many things, including exercise, cooking, family or friends. When you find it, take it — especially when you know it works!

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