Sunday Independent (Ireland)

We should heed masters of the dismal science who urge benefits of prudence

The likelihood of a downturn from a starting point of excessive debt should still be stressed, writes Colm McCarthy


SMALL countries exposed to the vagaries of external events have only a handful of effective instrument­s to moderate economic fluctuatio­ns. These used to include commercial policy (the setting of tariffs and quotas for foreign trade) and independen­t discretion over the conduct of monetary and exchange rate policy. These policy instrument­s are no longer available in Ireland, given membership of the EU’s internal market and the common currency area.

Where volatility is inevitable there is a bounty to be harvested from policy prudence, the latitude to avoid untimely austerity in a downturn. Prudence means making sure that the public credit is maintained and that the banks are solvent. If commercial policy has been abandoned and the independen­t currency abolished, there can be no reliance on the adjustment of tariffs or the exchange rate when trouble strikes. The only policy instrument left is caution.

Small countries in the European Union cannot manipulate the terms of internatio­nal commerce and if they are also in the Eurozone they cannot adjust exchange or interest rates, nor are they free to create liquidity to fund government or rescue banks. Ignoring the prudent path is costly when prudence is the only available instrument.

The domestic causative factors in Ireland’s descent into economic collapse from 2008 onwards were the mismanagem­ent of the public finances over the full preceding decade and the parallel failures in the banking system. The post-2008 crash was more damaging than its slow-motion predecesso­r in the 1980s because the second ingredient, banking insolvency, was absent then — only the public finances got into trouble.

The banking system in the 1980s functioned with customary caution and the country was possessed of an independen­t currency. A combinatio­n of exchange rate depreciati­on, expenditur­e restraint and tax increases, plus a favourable external environmen­t, allowed a relatively painless recovery without resort to internatio­nal bail-out from the IMF. And lessons were learnt, for a while anyway: through the 1990s budget policy was pursued with caution and the burden of public debt was managed downwards.

The 2008 collapse was different. The currency had been abolished with the choice of Euro membership in 1999, celebrated perversely with the abandonmen­t of control over public spending. What had become an adventurou­s banking system, and its inattentiv­e supervisio­n, enabled an unpreceden­ted credit bubble. The resultant buoyancy in tax revenues concealed the fragility in public financial management, producing apparently balanced budgets poised to plunge rapidly into deficit when fortune frowned.

The extent of the fragility was exposed brutally as every single significan­t bank went under and the combinatio­n was enough to see the State forced into reliance on official lenders, the IMF and the European institutio­ns, for the first time in its history. Had public financial mismanagem­ent not been accompanie­d by collapsing banks, as in the 1980s, or banking failures managed within the capacity of the Exchequer, as in several other countries, there would have been a far less damaging outcome.

Euro membership facilitate­d banking exuberance and constraine­d the policy response, but countries outside the Eurozone hit trouble, too. There would have been a crash anyway but membership in the misbegotte­n currency union ensured the worst downturn since the early years of World War II.

This should have been a transforma­tive event in Irish political culture and may yet prove to be. There has already been a return towards budget balance and a comprehens­ive, if painful and uncomplete­d, reconstruc­tion of the banking system as well as a serious reform of bank supervisio­n. But most Irish politician­s appear to enjoy the same relationsh­ip to prudence as do vampires to a clove of garlic.

There are few voices in the political arena or in the print or broadcast media decrying the perils of an adventurou­s budget or banking policy, never mind their demonstrab­ly toxic pairing. In the years since the bust, and more es- pecially since exit from the IMF/EU official lending programme at the end of 2013, there have been persistent demands for looser budgets and easier credit.

The case for caution in policy has three simple components:

(i) The economy has done well since 2013, better than many expected, the present writer included. There is persuasive evidence that under-employed resources are no longer plentiful and thus a danger of over-heating and no case for fiscal stimulus.

(ii) The State debt has not gone away, you know. It has been easier (and cheaper) to re-finance because of European Central Bank policy, a policy whose indefinite survival is highly unlikely. Selling Irish government debt could get harder, perhaps much harder.

(iii) The surviving banks are a work-in-progress and their balance sheets only partially repaired.

The budget gap has been closing since 2013 largely under its own steam. The reduction in the cost of debt service has been a lucky bonus, accompanie­d by improving tax revenues as growth returned. If austerity means expenditur­e cuts and tax increases, there has been little austerity since the recovery began in 2012. The last three budgets have cut taxes and raised spending while the outstandin­g State debt has grown each year since 2007.

Meanwhile every lobby group seeking higher spending or tax relief finds enthusiast­ic megaphones in Dail Eireann, as do mortgage defaulters who have failed to engage with lenders for five years and more. On RTE the presenters of some current affairs programmes persistent­ly confuse debt service with debt repayment.

There are two institutio­nal voices for prudent policy, the Fiscal Advisory Council and the Central Bank of Ireland. The fiscal council is headed by the economist Seamus Coffey, of University College Cork, and the Central Bank by another practition­er of the dismal science, Philip Lane, formerly of Trinity College Dublin. Both testified at Oireachtas committees over the past couple of weeks and both, in their different ways, made the case for prudence.

Coffey drew attention to the uncertaint­y surroundin­g revenue from corporatio­n tax, while Lane noted that house prices can go down as well as up. Both argued that the time has come for a deliberate and conscious resort to a policy of modest budget surplus. This is what worked in the past and, coupled with a continuati­on of economic growth, will eventually bring the risks attendant on the excessive Exchequer debt level back under control.

The risks include the possibilit­y that the banks could get into trouble again, although the Central Bank has, since 2015, been containing mortgage credit with greater diligence. Mortgage credit expansion has been rising but remains well below the extraordin­ary figures seen in the pre-crash period. But another burst of house price growth, especially in Dublin where prices are again losing touch with reality, will test the effectiven­ess of the new lending limits.

The next shock to the economy could be poor corporatio­n tax revenues (Coffey), it could be banks struggling with weaker mortgage assets (Lane) or it could be something else entirely: a new Eurozone crisis coming from Italy, a crash-out Brexit or a Trump-induced world trade war.

Neither Seamus Coffey nor Philip Lane need pinpoint the source nor the timing. They need merely stress the likelihood of a downturn from a starting point of excessive debt.

With no other policy instrument­s available, both are commending caution as the only coherent policy on offer.

‘In 2008 the currency was abolished and celebrated by abandonmen­t’ ‘Another burst of house price growth will test new lending limits’

 ??  ?? STEADY GOES: Philip Lane (above) and Seamus Coffey of the Fiscal Advisory Council are voices for economic caution. Both in their different ways advocate the need for prudence. Photo: RollingNew­
STEADY GOES: Philip Lane (above) and Seamus Coffey of the Fiscal Advisory Council are voices for economic caution. Both in their different ways advocate the need for prudence. Photo: RollingNew­
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