The Corkman

OPW has awarded tender for works at Kanturk school


THERE were two tenders put forward to undertake the ground works at the proposed new Kanturk National School and the OPW (Office of Public Works) has confirmed to The Corkman that enabling works “could start in August or September.”

The Corkman contacted the OPW with a series of questions on the progress of the proposed and badly needed new school. A spokespers­on this week confirmed she had received two tenders for ground works and the closing date was Friday, June 1. It then took four weeks to assess them and the OPW then issued a letter to the preferred tender.

“It is anticipate­d that constructi­on for enabling works could start in August or September depending on the availabili­ty of the contractor,” said an OPW spokespers­on.

Cllr Gerard Murphy (FG) who has been working very closely on moving the proposed new school forward welcomed the latest developmen­t. “It is vital that the new school is kept on the radar for the teachers, parents and children of Kanturk. There is progress being made now that the OPW has confirmed that they have awarded a tender for ground works to start. It is then a matter of driving this on to constructi­on stage,” he said.

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