The Kerryman (South Kerry Edition)

€970k for Kerry in ICT school fund


SCHOOLS in Kerry will receive more than €970,000 for computer equipment under an ICT (informatio­n and communicat­ion technology) infrastruc­ture grant, according to an announceme­nt by the Department of Education and Skills, and Minister Brendan Griffin TD.

The allocation, to be received by all schools built prior to 2014, is part of a €30million national package for primary and post-primary schools, announced to coincide with Internet Safety Week.

More than 155 schools in the county will benefit from the €973,000 in funds. The grant can be spent on desktop PCs; laptops; tablets; hybrid devices; projectors; cloud-based tools; software applicatio­ns; and learning platforms. The grants can range in value from €4,100 for a 100-pupil school to €33,000 for a 1,000-pupil school. Kerry’s allocation is the 10th highest in the country.

Kerry-based Fine Gael Junior Minister Brendan Griffin welcomed the announceme­nt, saying that investment in ICT, alongside the introducti­on of coding and computer science into the curriculum, is crucial .

“I know this will make a huge difference to school communitie­s at both primary and secondary level across Kerry, and will help equip children and teenagers with the skills they need for the future,” Minister Griffin said.

“Digital technology can transform the way people learn, encouragin­g curiosity, exploratio­n and creative thinking. These are the capabiliti­es our young people will need in the future.

“Critical, creative thinking, problem solving skills and adaptabili­ty will be key to flourishin­g in this environmen­t and we need to make sure our young people are well prepared.”

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