The Jerusalem Post

President Trump’s 100-day test


The common grace period that every new government gets is the 100-day test. At the end of this period, the difficult questions begin to be asked, among them: are the elected decision-makers actually working to keep the promises they made to their voters?

Regarding the Trump administra­tion, one of the first questions that arise is: What are the new administra­tion’s foreign and security policies? At the end of the administra­tion’s first hundred days, is it possible to identify a pattern of behavior that could clarify the new American policies?

In order to answer this question, we need to analyze four decisions that have been made by the Trump administra­tion in four key locales – Syria, Afghanista­n, Turkey and North Korea. These are: the bombing of a Syrian Air Force base using 59 Tomahawk missiles, following a poison gas attack by Assad’s planes; the use of the “mother of all bombs” against Islamic State targets on the Afghanista­n-Pakistan border; Trump’s greetings to Turkish President Erdogan after his victory in the referendum; and the administra­tion’s harsh reaction to North Korea’s continued ballistic experiment­s.

On the face of it, these steps taken by the administra­tion are in dramatic contrast with the policy of Trump’s predecesso­r, Barack Obama. However, in order to identify patterns of behavior, it is helpful to classify the new American foreign and defense policies into three categories, based on Trump’s declaratio­ns during his election campaign.

The first category includes foreign affairs and security goals that can be attributed to Trump’s assertion of “America first.” This slogan has different interpreta­tions and dimensions in different spheres of policies: economic, immigratio­n, domestic and internatio­nal affairs.

In relation to US foreign and defense policies, “America first” might include all threats and challenges that could endanger the security of the United States. Under this concept, the administra­tion would choose to take steps that it views as essential to the security and the foreign interests of the US, even if their possible costs might be high.

Moreover, “America first” considerat­ions would push aside other considerat­ions, such as the interests of its allies or the positions of the UN Security Council or internatio­nal public opinion.

The second category includes foreign affairs and security goals aimed at implementi­ng Trump’s declaratio­n of a “Great America” or strengthen­ing America’s image as a military and political superpower while deterring its enemies. In this framework, the Trump administra­tion would act to promote American interests in an attempt to expand America’s geopolitic­al, military and economic hegemony. However, the costs that the administra­tion would be ready to pay are smaller than the previous category and it would also take into account the interests and goals of its allies.

The third category may include foreign affairs and security goals of marginal importance to the US, which can be labeled as “America doesn’t care.” These will include internal, regional and internatio­nal conflicts that do not seem to have any direct or indirect impact on the US. Even if these conflicts involve war crimes or if they contravene the moral values and democratic spirit of the United States, the administra­tion would prefer to stay uninvolved, refrain from investing any efforts or money in them, and would certainly not take any risks for them.

Against the backdrop of the proposed classifica­tion into these three categories, it can be assumed that the US decision to bomb the Syrian Air Force base was made based on “Great America” considerat­ions. The Assad regime is not directly, or even indirectly, endangerin­g the security of the US. Nor is the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Army against Syrian civilians and rebels. However, Assad’s behavior provided Trump with a pretext for sending a loud and clear message in an attempt to restore the image of the US as a superpower.

As for the bombing in Afghanista­n, there was an operative reason behind the unpreceden­ted use of the “mother of all bombs” against Islamic State targets in Afghanista­n – the need to neutralize ISIS and al-Qaida terrorists taking shelter in their undergroun­d mountain compounds.

The use of the bomb in such an area is very effective and the collateral damage is limited, due to the fact that the area is sparsely populated. But above all, using this specific bomb sends a clear deterrent message to all the enemies of the United. Since the operation was carried out against an immediate enemy of the US, Islamic State, it meets the criterion of “America first.” As such, all objections to the use of the bomb (such as that by a former US ally, the former Afghan leader Karzai) fell on deaf ears.

The crisis in North Korea clearly falls into the category of “America first.” The leader of North Korea repeatedly threatens the US and is trying to develop convention­al and unconventi­onal weapons that will threaten US security. In this regard it seems that for the time being Trump is choosing the “businessma­n strategy” in an attempt to resolve the conflict with North Korea with the lowest possible cost for the US.

Trump is trying to achieve the goal of stopping North Korea’s ballistic missile program, using for this purpose a third party, China. The statements made by the White House, according to which the president believes that China can control Kim Jong Un’s moves, indicate that this is Trump’s preferred strategy.

However, if North Korea does not bend to Chinese discipline and decides to continue with its nuclear and ballistic missiles tests, it is possible that Trump would decide to carry out a selective military operation against North Korean targets or even an all-out war.

The placement of the North Korean threat in the “America first” category is bad news for US allies in the region – South Korea and Japan – as the interests of these countries in this scenario will, at most, be secondary in weighing US costs and benefits.

And what about “America doesn’t care,” the third category? In this context, it is possible to understand Trump’s haste to congratula­te Turkish President Erdogan after his narrow victory in the latest Turkish referendum, a referendum that severely damaged the democratic character of the country and pushed Turkey away from European and Western liberal values.

Will these three categories constitute explanator­y variables of US foreign affairs and security policies in future? Wait and see.

The writer is dean of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy and the founder and executive director of the Internatio­nal Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisci­plinary Center Herzliya.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? ‘AT THE end of the administra­tion’s first 100 days, is it possible to identify a pattern of behavior that can clarify the new American policy?’
(Reuters) ‘AT THE end of the administra­tion’s first 100 days, is it possible to identify a pattern of behavior that can clarify the new American policy?’

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