The Jerusalem Post

End ‘occupation’


Putting aside for a moment the intricacie­s of internatio­nal law, anyone with a modicum of intellectu­al honesty and a basic ability to reason can recognize the weakness of the claim that the West Bank is “occupied” by Israel.

The term “occupied” implies that Israel took, even stole, this land from another people. That is not the case. After Britain’s decision to end its mandate over Palestine, the War of Independen­ce broke out and Jordan unilateral­ly annexed the West Bank, which Jews refer to as Judea and Samaria.

It is difficult to ascertain what the precise status of the West Bank was at the time Jordan took control of it. Geographic­ally speaking, it makes sense to view the territory west of the Jordan River as an integral whole. Documents such as Churchill’s White Paper of 1922 stated specifical­ly that the Balfour Declaratio­n – which called for the creation of a Jewish national homeland “in Palestine” – purposely did not refer to Transjorda­n, which was also part of the British Mandate.

At the same time there was an understand­ing, as reflected in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, that both an Arab and a Jewish state would be created in the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterran­ean.

The Arab nations’ rejection of the plan was not their forfeiting claims to this land. The converse is true: They were declaring their right to the entire land between the Jordan and the Mediterran­ean.

In any event, the status of the West Bank was never properly sorted out. Numerous attempts to reach a negotiated agreement have failed since 1988, when Jordan relinquish­ed claims to the West Bank and recognized the Palestinia­n Liberation Organizati­on as the legitimate representa­tives of the Palestinia­n people. The West Bank remains a “disputed” territory with two sides – Palestinia­ns and Israelis – claiming that some, or all, of the land is rightfully theirs.

Now, eliminatin­g “occupied” when referring to the West Bank has become official US policy.

An annual US government report on human rights worldwide in 2017 dropped the term “occupied” in reference to the West Bank. For the first time since 1979, the State Department report listed Israel and the territorie­s adjacent to it by their names: Gaza – which has been under the control of Hamas since 2007 – the West Bank and the Golan Heights, which has also been defined by the internatio­nal community as “occupied,” though no one in their right mind is calling on Israel to return it to its “rightful” owners.

The Trump administra­tion and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman should be credited with the change.

The term “occupied” and the biased assumption­s implied by its use are a distortion of history. Palestinia­ns could have had a state long ago, whether in 1947 when the UN voted in favor of the Partition Plan, or after the 1967 Six Day War.

Palestinia­n and Arab intransige­nce, not Israeli “occupation,” have prevented a pragmatic resolution of the conflict. Jewish settlement­s are not a purposeful attempt on the part of Israelis to sabotage a potentiall­y fruitful dialogue with the Palestinia­ns and the Arab world. Rather, they are the result of a realizatio­n that since reconcilia­tion and dialogue are out of the question, there is no reason for Jews to resist the urge to return to a part of their homeland so resonant with Jewish history and cultural and religious meaning. That is particular­ly true when such a return – especially to the larger settlement blocs – strengthen­s Israel’s security.

Seventy years after the creation of the State of Israel, Palestinia­ns remain divided, ruled by two deeply undemocrat­ic political regimes. On the West Bank, a corrupt Palestinia­n Authority is run like a private fiefdom by Fatah. The man at its head, Mahmoud Abbas, has no democratic mandate and there is no apparatus in place for the democratic transfer of power.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, the Islamist rule of Hamas has been a disaster for nearly two million Palestinia­ns.

Neither Hamas nor Fatah have proven capable of creating stable, let alone democratic, political entities. The likely alternativ­e to an Israeli military and administra­tive presence on the West Bank would be anarchy and the renewal of Islamist-inspired terrorist attacks directed at Israelis.

The term “occupation” simply does not do justice to Israel’s role on the West Bank. We hope additional nations will follow the US lead and stop using it.

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