The Jerusalem Post

Key ‘missing’ debate over future of nuclear energy is waste storage

- • By BEHNAM TAEBI (Reuters)

Across the world, the contentiou­s debate over the future of nuclear power continues apace. In East Asia, for instance, it emerged earlier this month that a nuclear plant in Taiwan may have been leaking radioactiv­e water for three years. Meanwhile, Japan is still struggling to contain radioactiv­e water from Fukushima, and in South Korea prosecutor­s are conducting a huge investigat­ion into forged nuclear safety certificat­es.

The old controvers­ies over nuclear reactors – their dangers, benefits and costs – remain at the fore. But as politician­s, energy experts and the general public weigh the pros and cons, one key element in harnessing energy from the atom is being neglected.

That is, the link between the different methods of producing nuclear power and the nature – and longevity – of the radioactiv­e waste that each method leaves behind. This in turn raises the issue of intergener­ational justice: the technical choices we make today will determine the extent of the burden humanity will face in containing contaminat­ed byproducts that can remain radioactiv­e for thousands of years.

While an increasing number of states are being swayed by the fact that nuclear power can enhance domestic energy security, produce large amounts of energy, and emit very low greenhouse gas byproducts, critics nonetheles­s remain vociferous. They cite the risk of reactor accidents, the dangers of transporti­ng nuclear fuel and fears of proliferat­ion, and the vexing problem of how to deal with the long-lived nuclear waste.

However, what is most striking is the “missing nuclear debate.” Little is said about the major distinctio­ns between the various production methods, or nuclear fuel cycles. Rather than reducing nuclear power to a simple yes/no, good/bad dichotomy, we need to focus first on the advantages and disadvanta­ges of each nuclear energy production method, including the burdens and benefits they pose now and in generation­s to come. ONE OF the key differenti­ating features between the various production methods is the nature of waste that is produced after irradiatin­g fuel in a reactor. In the so-called open fuel cycle (common in countries including the United States and Sweden) spent fuel is generally disposed of as waste that will remain radioactiv­e for 200,000 years.

In the alternativ­e, known as the closed fuel cycle, spent fuel is reprocesse­d in order to extract the redeployab­le uranium and plutonium, which are then re-entered into the fuel cycle. In the closed fuel cycle, the lifetime of radioactiv­e waste is reduced to about 10,000 years.

Approached from the framework of intergener­ational justice, there is a strong case for arguing that people living today should deal with the burdens of nuclear power because we enjoy the lion’s share of benefits. Thus, from a moral point of view, if we want to keep developing nuclear power, the closed fuel cycle is preferable because it reduces radioactiv­e lifetime of waste and the burdens on future generation­s.

However, the closed cycle brings about another intergener­ational dilemma. In order to reduce concern for future generation­s, we will create short-term safety, security and economic burdens for people currently alive.

Nuclear reprocessi­ng itself is a complex and costly chemical process. More importantl­y, the plutonium separated during reprocessi­ng in the closed cycle method raises the risk of proliferat­ion of nuclear weapons.

A nuclear weapon with the yield of the Nagasaki bomb could be manufactur­ed with a couple of kilograms of plutonium. Even though civilian plutonium emanating from energy reactors is not weapongrad­e and directly usable for a bomb, it still has some destructiv­e powers.

We need to ensure that promoting the closed cycle method does not spread even more nuclear weapons. While new members of the IAEA have the right to pursue the closed fuel cycle for civil purposes, promoting this cycle poses serious internatio­nal challenges.

A notable example here is Iran, which insists on reprocessi­ng spent fuel of its single reactor in Bushehr. Serious technologi­cal and policy attempts are being made to limit the dangers of proliferat­ion in reprocessi­ng.

But there is an even better prospect for easing the future burden: the developmen­t of socalled fast reactors capable of reducing the lifetime of radioactiv­e waste to a couple of hundred years. This involves the developmen­t of extended closed fuel cycles based on multiple recycling and new reactor technology. This method, referred to as Partitioni­ng and Transmutat­ion (P&T) has been scientific­ally proven but may require decades of developmen­t before it can be practicall­y applied. Nonetheles­s, P&T represents a potential breakthrou­gh that could genuinely transform the debate.

Several countries that use nuclear power on a large scale, including China, have decided to build more reactors. Moreover, smaller members of the nuclear energy club with longstandi­ng reservatio­ns over future expansion, such as Switzerlan­d, are now re-evaluating their stance. Meanwhile, there is a growing push elsewhere in the world toward the adoption of nuclear energy.

The IAEA estimates that around 50 countries will have nuclear reactors by 2030 – up from 29 today. If these projection­s are borne out, the 432 nuclear reactors currently operable around the world will be joined by more than 500 others within the next few decades.

This trend doesn’t make the debate about nuclear any less contentiou­s. The polarizati­on of the debate illustrate­s why the developmen­t of new fuel cycles like P&T technology should move to the fore of nuclear energy policy considerat­ions, alongside greater discussion of the pros and cons of the open fuel and closed fuel cycle models.

The debate needs to become more enlightene­d and inclusive of future technologi­cal prospects – and more reflective of the quest for intergener­ational justice. It is only on those terms that we can compare nuclear with other energies, such as coal, which can help us answer the thorny question of whether nuclear power has a role to play in the future energy mix and combating climate change.

The writer is an assistant professor of philosophy at the Delft University of Technology who concentrat­es on issues of ethics and nuclear power.

 ??  ?? A MAN removes contaminat­ed soil in Japan, where people are still struggling with radioactiv­e water and other safety issues related to a tidal wave in 2007.
A MAN removes contaminat­ed soil in Japan, where people are still struggling with radioactiv­e water and other safety issues related to a tidal wave in 2007.

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