Jamaica Gleaner




1 French cheese (4) 3 Run away (4) 9 Strongroom (5) 10 Duplicate (9) 11 Musical instrument (5) 12 Capital of Scotland (9) 15 Apprehensi­ve (6) 17 Antelope (6) 19 Lack of courage (9) 21 Pack’s extra card (5) 23 Convenient and practical (9) 24 Pick-me-up (5) 25 Toy (2-2) 26 Children’s game (1-3)


1 Claret (8) 2 Defective (8) 4 Art gallery in Paris (6) 5 River Avon town (7) 6 Resign (4) 7 Celebrity (4) 8 Explosive device (4) 13 Indolence (8) 14 Wall hanging (8) 16 Concealmen­t (7) 18 Woven double (3-3) 20 Vulgar (4) 21 Strong fibre (4) 22 Benevolent (4)

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