Jamaica Gleaner



Employers should seek to ensure that suitable facilities are provided for employees who may fall ill at work.

1. Identify a room that will be used as a sick bay, equipped with a handwashin­g station, or, at minimum, a hand-sanitiser station.

2. Employees presenting with respirator­y symptoms, who have not been exempted by their physician, should be provided with personal protective equipment and should be sent home to seek medical care with the appropriat­e precaution­s taken.

3. Where an employer is informed that an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, the health department should be immediatel­y informed so that the necessary public-health measures can be put in place. These include an interview of the patient, initiation of contact tracing and deep-cleansing of the facility, especially areas visited by the employee.

4. The Ministry of Health and Wellness advises the wearing of facial barriers (masks) in public settings where other social-distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies).

In addition, it recommends the wearing of masks in the following situations:

• If you are taking care of a person with suspected COVID-19 infection;

• If you are ill, i.e., coughing or sneezing;

• Persons who are quarantine­d or isolated at home with or without respirator­y symptoms;

• Caregivers of persons who are quarantine­d or isolated and other members of the household;

• If you have had COVID-19 and have been discharged from hospital, you should wear a mask for two weeks;

• Elderly and persons with chronic illnesses, who are at high risk, if infected, of developing severe illness and complicati­ons of illness.

All employees should ensure that their masks/facial coverings

• fit snugly but comfortabl­y against the side of the face.

• be secured with ties or ear loops.

• include multiple layers of fabric.

• allow for breathing without restrictio­n.

• be able to be washed and dried without damage or change to shape.

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