
Zhenya Gein, blogger. Vladimir Gein, businessma­n


The first thing we realised when we got to the Big Apple was that everything here is the same as in the films we grew up with. The city is self-sufficient, rich and beautiful; we were knocked out, in a good way, by its tempo. You never want to waste time luxuriatin­g in a warm bed in an expensive hotel here, every day the city calls you to get out and explore. Believe me, even a month is not enough to visit all the free museums and places of interest! The largest metro in the world did help us. For the first days we walked around in a state of amazement, rather like small children, and easily found our way down long avenues and short streets. The Upper East Side astonished us with the beauty of its buildings, and in lower Manhattan, round Wall Street, rich people travel by helicopter and there were many of them in the sky. People say that travellers should visit a market, station, restaurant and viewpoint in every new city. Central Park is so huge that it’s best seen from the observatio­n deck of the Rockefelle­r Center: a gigantic, living, beautifull­y designed rectangle of greenery in a concrete jungle, with numerous animals and birds. New Yorkers are crazy about their city, you can see this love in everything and everywhere.

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