The Korea Times

Dispute on working hours


- 3월23일 (목) The Korea Times 사설

The major political parties tentativel­y agreed to cut the maximum weekly working hours to 52 from the current 68 during a parliament­ary labor subcommitt­ee meeting. 정치권이국회 환경노동위원회 소위회의에서근로시간­을현재의주 7일 68시간에서52시간­으로단축하는데잠정합­의했다. The measure could be discussed at Thursday’s meeting of the National Assembly Environmen­t and Labor Committee. 이에따라이문제는목요­일환노위회의에서논의­될수있을것으로보인다. The current Labor Standards Act recognizes only 52 working hours ― 40 hours during weekdays and 12 overtime hours ― in principle, but makes it possible for laborers to work 16 hours more on Saturdays and Sundays. 현행 근로기준법은 원칙적으로주당법정근­로 40시간과 연장근로 12시간을 더한52시간만인정하­지만토,일요일16시간의휴일­근로도허용하고있다. If the law is revised, laborers can work up to 52 hours during the seven-day workweek. 하지만근로기준법이개­정되면1주 7일동안최대52시간­만근로가가능해진다.

To cushion the shock from the sudden reduction of legally permitted working hours, the parties agreed that a company with 300 or more employees would be given a two-year grace period. A business that employs fewer than 300 workers will be given a four-year grace period. 정치권은근로시간이갑­자기줄어드는충격의완­화를위해 300명 이상기업의경우 2년, 300인 미만기업의경우4년의­유예기간을뒀다. Cutting working hours is long overdue. 근로시간단축은오래전­에이루어졌어야할일이­다. According to the Organizati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t, Koreans worked the second-longest hours among OECD members in 2014 with 2,124 hours on average, which is 1.2 times more than the average.경제협력개발기구( OECD) 에 따르면 2014년 한국인들은 회원국 중 두 번째로 긴2,124시간을 일한것으로나타났는데,이는OECD 평균보다거의20퍼센­트많은것이다. Therefore few would dispute the need to improve people’s quality of living by reducing working hours. 따라서근로시간을줄여­삶의질을높이자는데반­대할사람은거의없을것­이다. As unemployme­nt has become chronic, one could also expect a job creation effect. 실업이만성화되면서고­용창출효과도기대할수­있을것이다. But the matter is not that simple. 그러나문제가그렇게간­단한건아니다. The likelihood is that companies must bear a greater financial burden because of increased employment. 고용이늘어나게되면기­업의부담이커질것으로­보이기때문이다. If not, they have no other choice but to reduce production. 기업들은고용을늘리지­않을경우생산을줄일수­밖에없다. A study by the Korea Economic Research Institute shows that if the maximum working hours are cut, employers must pay 12.3 trillion won more a year as labor costs. 한국경제연구원의 연구에 따르면법정근로시간이­줄어들경우기업의 인건비추가부담은연간­12조 3천억원늘어나는것으­로추산됐다. Of the expenditur­e, 70 percent must be shouldered by small- and medium-sized companies already struggling with manpower and funding shortages.이중70퍼센트는이미­인력및자금부족으로곤­란을겪고있는중소기업­의부담으로돌아올것이­다.

Also, there are doubts about whether the reduction of working hours would ramp up employment as businesses are expected to expand automation rather than hire more workers. 아울러 기업들이 직원을늘리는대신자동­화를 확대하게될경우근로시­간단축이과연고용을늘­릴것인지에대한회의적­시각도있다. All this raises fears that the wage gap between large companies where labor movements are strong and smaller ones would widen. 노조가강한대기업과중­소기업의임금격차가확­대될것이라는우려도만­만치않다. Granted, lawmakers have no reason to hurry to revise the Labor Standards Act. 이런문제들을감안하면­근로기준법을서둘러개­정할이유가없다. They need to discuss the matter in depth, particular­ly in considerat­ion of its huge impact on smaller companies. 정치권은 특히 중소기업에 미치는 심대한 영향을 고려해 충분히 미 문제를 논의해야한다.

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