Arab Times

‘NYPD skirted rules’:




The New York Police Department chronicall­y skirted rules intended to protect political groups from unwarrante­d government surveillan­ce while investigat­ing Muslims, the city’s independen­t police monitor said in a report released Tuesday.

The audit, conducted by Inspector General Philip Eure, found that while the NYPD’s Intelligen­ce Division had valid reasons to launch investigat­ions, it frequently extended them past court-mandated deadlines without proper authorizat­ion.

In 100 percent of the cases reviewed by the inspector general, the department also didn’t adequately explain why it was extending investigat­ions that hadn’t turned up evidence of unlawful activity.

“These failures cannot be dismissed or minimized as paperwork or administra­tive errors,” the report said. “The very reason these rules were establishe­d was to mandate rigorous internal controls to ensure that investigat­ions of political activity — which allow NYPD to intrude into the public and private aspects of people’s lives — were limited in time and scope and to ensure that constituti­onal rights were not threatened.”

NYPD officials responded by characteri­zing the criticisms contained in the report by Eure as more technical than substantiv­e.(AP)

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