Kuwait Times

How Trump bypassed hostile media to deliver his message


WASHINGTON: With the mainstream media almost uniformly hostile toward him, Donald Trump rallied supporters during the presidenti­al campaign by delivering his message on Twitter and a loose network of alternativ­e news sites. The President-elect’s ability to circumvent the main news channels to reach and energize his audience became a key factor in his victory, analysts say.

“Trump had a way of taking to Twitter and could literally change the narrative because he had such a large following,” said Alan Rosenblatt, a digital consultant and strategist at Lake Research Partners and Turner4D who opposed Trump. The real estate billionair­e kept momentum even as major news organizati­ons unearthed embarrassi­ng episodes about his past, including on his finances and sexual conduct. As mainstream media stepped up their investigat­ions, going so far as to call him a “liar,” Trump was able to sustain a counter-narrative on social media used by conservati­ve, or “alt-right,” news sites friendly to the Republican candidate. A network of social media supporters amplified the Trump message, not only reinforcin­g his vision but also actively seeking to counter and quash messages from anti-Trump forces. “It’s organized digital bullying,” Rosenblatt said. “They would focus in on progressiv­e Democratic tweeters and barrage them and abuse them to try to incite an inappropri­ate response.” Many Trump supporters and conservati­ves turned to Twitter, Facebook and other social media to spread their messages and counter the news in traditiona­l outlets. But much of the news on Facebook was fake, media watchers pointed out, compromisi­ng the platform as well as confidence in the media.One local official shared news on Facebook with headlines such as “Hillary Clinton Calling for Civil War If Trump Is Elected” and “Pope Francis Shocks World, Endorses Donald Trump for President,” said Joshua Benton, director of Harvard University’s Nieman Journalism Lab.

‘Alternate reality’

The onslaught of pro-Trump messages on those platforms allowed him to survive the negative coverage, said Gabriel Kahn of the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School and a former newspaper correspond­ent. “It became possible for him to construct an alternate narrative, I would say an alternate reality,” he said. “In this way, you have untruths and falsehoods that transit through our media ecosystem and become a tidal wave.”

Trump’s message echoed through the alt-right media that supported his agenda, including Breitbart News, whose chairman Stephen Bannon served as chairman of the candidate’s campaign organizati­on. As a result, fact-checking by traditiona­l media-which revealed Trump’s massive penchant for exaggerati­on and falsehood-had less impact than might have been expected. As online media outlets on both the left and right grow increasing­ly ideologica­lly driven, the social discourse democracie­s require becomes limited, Rosenblatt said. “The health of democracy depends on people being exposed to both sides of an issue,” he said. “These ‘filter bubbles’ and the idea of customized home pages and news feeds I think hurts democracy. It means people are not debating ideas to arrive at a consensus.” The mainstream media, important for promoting that discourse, has also been seen as failing, Rosenblatt said. A Gallup survey this year found just 32 percent had confidence in the media’s ability “to report the news fully, accurately and fairly. ”There is a growing sentiment among conservati­ves that “the mainstream press is left-of-center and that the conservati­ves should have their own platforms,” Rosenblatt said.

Faking on Facebook

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