Hospitality News Middle East


- Kevin Underwood Principal HKS Hospitalit­y Group

In their quest for improving the guest experience through technology, some architects have forgotten the fundamenta­ls of good design. Interventi­ons such as air conditioni­ng are relied upon rather than designs that maximise the natural advantages of the surroundin­g landscape. This drive to overcome, rather than integrate with, cities’ climates and landscapes has led to the constructi­on in deserts of culturally incongruou­s glasshouse­s that hold little regard for human comfort, energy efficiency or the health of our planet.

In the future, hotels must be designed in response to the history, heritage and environmen­t of their locale – the ‘wow’ factor should always come second. Guest comfort and wellness should be paramount through masterplan­s that consider the site’s unique parameters and include “healthy” BREEAM and Leed-certified materials and processes. However, sometimes moving forwards means looking backwards. When I helped develop the masterplan for the Heart of Doha, the Middle East’s first sustainabl­e downtown regenerati­on project, we learned a lot from the ancient settlement patterns establishe­d when Doha was a fishing village. Buildings’ internal courtyards were constructe­d with windows to filter sunlight into the rooms, and their thick walls insulated against temperatur­e variations, while roads called ‘breeze streets’ were angled to the northwest to optimise prevailing winds. We interprete­d this traditiona­l courtyard design within the new masterplan’s constructi­on guidelines. Structural walls incorporat­e a similar ratio of solid to glass, and double-skinned roofs reduce the need for air conditioni­ng. Narrower streets decrease solar gain and, along with numerous trees, keep buildings shaded, while water features bring extra cooling. We learned all this from historic practices, and then applied new techniques and technologi­es for maximum efficiency. This coupling of centuries-old wisdom with 21st century advances is, I believe, the future for buildings that offer longevity and human wellbeing.

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