Lebanon Traveler

Protecting the LMT

The Lebanon Mountain Trail Associatio­n (LMTA) has spent the past decade working relentless­ly on developing, promoting and protecting the Lebanon Mountain Trail (LMT).


Responsibl­e tourism with the LMTA

Today, the trail attracts around 30,000 travelers per year. Internatio­nal travelers as well as the Lebanese diaspora are drawn to living the unique community-based experience, the thousands of years of history, the diversity of the terrain and the breathtaki­ng landscapes and nature reserves.

While the associatio­n’s recognitio­n is worldwide (it is a member of the World Trail Network and has establishe­d friendship trails in Canada and South Korea), its priority remains to empower local communitie­s to promote and protect their local heritage. Municipali­ties, youth, local guides, local clubs, service providers,

partners from civic society, nature reserves and the public sector are all being engaged, on different levels, in the associatio­n’s various initiative­s.

Today, only 20 percent of the LMT is protected. The remainder of the trail is threatened by the unplanned and unsustaina­ble developmen­t of Lebanon’s mountains and by a lack of law enforcemen­t. This is why the LMTA recently launched “Hike it. Protect it.” - a campaign to raise awareness of the need for new laws to protect the trail and the mountains as well as a sustainabl­e basis for their developmen­t.

Learn more by visiting lebanontra­il.org.

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