Tatler Malaysia

How to wear men’s jewellery with


With more options than ever when it comes to wearing men’s jewellery, stylist Perpetua Ip shares her list of dos and don’ts.

When buying jewellery, you should look for...

Pieces that show off your personalit­y. Wearing jewellery can be a way for men to differenti­ate themselves from others, so make sure you’re wearing bling that says something specifical­ly about you, whether it’s a simple neck chain or signet ring.

When wearing jewellery, always…

Try versatile pieces that add an unexpected touch to your everyday look. If everything matches, it’s boring.

When wearing jewellery, you should never...

Over-accessoris­e. When it comes to men’s jewellery, less is more.

For style inspiratio­n, keep an eye on...

Former One Direction singer Harry Styles, who has led the way for stylish men everywhere. Have fun with your jewellery, but always try to keep your overall look timeless and classy.

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