New Straits Times


- I’d say I have a broad understand­ing of IT but I would not say I’m tech-inclined by nature. I’m more artistic.

When you run a business while maintainin­g a full-time job, you quickly learn to focus 100 per cent on completing specific tasks and you also learn to manage your team very efficientl­y. These are skills you are forced to learn. Not much. Only family time and some exercise. I do make sure I get sufficient sleep though. I get about seven to eight hours of sleep every night.So,I can’tcomplain. I’d like to scale it up when the time is right but to do that won’t be easy. Our products are all handmade so scaling up would definitely be a challenge. To expand, we’d need to have a presence in multiple countries. Then of course the challenges of logistics will come into play. Not easy. We have a good mix of local and foreign customers but it’s undeniable how important the support of the local market has been for us. shopper experience, which goes beyond just shopping online. In general there’s a lot of value selling through a marketplac­e like Lazada where there’s lot of traffic but it depends on the product you’re selling. Ours is a very niche product. I prefer to focus on our own website first. A lot. I need to contact my team and my customers from anywhere in the world and the Internet facilitate­s that. Whatsapp and e-mails are important modes of communicat­ion for us. Instagram and Facebook have allowed our small business to have an online presence and to gain an audience. Technology is definitely an empowering tool.

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