The Star Malaysia - Star2



PiSCeS (feb 20 to March 20): The stars today bring plenty of scope for inspiratio­n. unfortunat­ely, it’s a Monday, so you probably won’t be in the mood to be inspired or to inspire those with whom you work. your artistic bent just has to wait. arieS (March 21 to april 20): Someone dropped a clanger on the first day of the working week. Later, you will look back on people running in ever-decreasing circles and laugh, but that will be later. TaUrUS (april 21 to May 20): Good for all the arty stuff you love. So, settle down with a pencil or paintbrush for some serious creating. you will be surprised with what you can create or could create if you didn’t have to work. geMiNi (May 21 to June 21): you have good stars for progress at work. but these stars contain a high element of deception. unfortunat­ely, a good percentage of the deception is selfdecept­ion. It won’t be easy, but keep your feet on the ground. CaNCer (June 22 to July 23): It doesn’t happen often, but today you will tend to brood over things you see as unfair and things politicall­y motivated. The answer is, if you can change it, change it. If you can’t change it, learn to live with it. leO (July 24 to aug 23): The start of a new week and things look good until you check your letter box and there, staring out at you is another of those window-faced envelopes. This could have something to do with recent Christmas spending.

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