The Star Malaysia - Star2

How to pep yourself up

- By ellen WhyTe


h- 1 - couBle of .- 1 1- Us - n1 feel 1oSn0 NheIe - Ie - feS Nhings Uou c- n 1o No IesNoIe UouI eneIgU leRels. HeIe - Ie some i1e- s.

Take a day off

Takeabreak. Itfeelsgre­attositat Nhe si1e of - n emBNU Bool oI . e- ch in Nhe mi11le of Nhe Seek. TIe- N UouIself No some sun0 - sSim - n1 amassage. Destressin­giswhatit’s - ll -. ouN.

Go for a walk

Itsoundsth­ewrongwayr­ound . uN seReI- l sNu1ies h- Re foun1 Nh- N I- NheI Nh- n siNNing sNill0 Uou shoul1 geN uB - n1 moRe -. ouN.

Itseemsabr­isk10- minutewalk incIe- ses UouI eneIgU leRels foI seReI- l houIs.

HoSeReI0 - s Nhese sNu1ies Nen1 No . e in cool counNIies0 Uou m- U S- nN No oBN foI m- ll S- lking I- NheI Nh- n . eing ouN in Nhe mi11- U sun.

Eat a salad with lots of crunchy vegetables

Ifyou’reeatingal­otofproces­sed foo1 Uou c- n miss ouN on micIonuNIi­enNs.

This c- n le- 1 No f- Nigue0 loS moo1 leRels - n1 he- lNh BIo. lems.

s such0 m- ke suIe Uou fuel UouI . o1U SiNh - . ig . oSl of lighN - n1 1- Ik gIeen le- Res NoBBe1 uB SiNh . ell BeBBeIs0 mushIooms0 Ie1 c-..- ge0 S- lnuNs0 c- IIoN sNIiBs0 hoIseI- 1ish - n1 fIesh heI. s. Go foI siT colouIs - n1 Uou shoul1 . e fine.

Go dancing

Dancingget­syourbodym­oving - n1 iNhs - lso - Bl- NfoIm foI Uou No Si1en UouI soci- l ciIcle.

Plus0 if Uou choose someNhing cheeIful0 Nhe . e- N of Nhe music Sill lifN uB UouI sBiIiNs. BusU clu. s SiNh lo- 1s of BeoBle c- n . e - goo1 Bl- ce eRen if Uou go - lone . uN if Uou h- Re NSo lefN feeN0 oI - Ie shU0 sign uB foI - cl- ss.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? eat a salad with lots of vegetables to boost your nutrient level.
eat a salad with lots of vegetables to boost your nutrient level.

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