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Future of X- Men


DIRECTOR- writer- producer Bryan Singer, who is an exec producer on X- Men TV series Legion for FX, and Peter Rice, chairman and CEO of Fox Networks Group, discussed the genesis and future developmen­t of the X- Men franchise at the Edinburgh Internatio­nal Television Festival last week.

He said one of the reasons he was drawn to the first X- Men movie, released in 2000, was it resonated with him emotionall­y.

“There has to be something in the main character or in the story that I connect to. I have a knack for ensembles. I like groups of people. Each ( project) is individual. In X- Men it is just that feeling of being isolated,” he said.

“I had issues growing up with not being a good student and sexuality issues, whatever they were, and I identified with the X- Men characters as being outcasts, so I responded to that. And from there it grew into ‘ Wow! This is a cool universe.’ But I always knew I wanted to make the movies I waited in line to see as a kid: big- budget actionadve­nture movies.”

Singer recalled a crisis during the developmen­t of the first X- Men film, which he sees as “the birth of the modern comic- book movie.”

“X- Men collapsed – we lost our entire crew, we couldn’t get a budget or script, or anything. We were sitting on the floor of a small office in West L. A. pasting pieces of paper together trying to construct a story. It was the night before Thanksgivi­ng. But we didn’t let it go... and part of that is we all knew what we were trying to do: make a serious story based in a comic universe; let’s take X- Men and make it real.”

Speaking about Legion, Singer underscore­d its connection with the movies. “What we are doing with Legion and the other X- Men television project will relate to future X- Men movies – whether it is Deadpool or X- Men sequels, and past ones,” he said.

Rice recalled a conversati­on with Singer about what an X- Men TV show would look like: “How do we ensure that it wasn’t a 45- minute attempt to make an X- Men movie. And again, to look for ( a writer- director) who had a really different, idiosyncra­tic personal filmmaking aesthetic, which is how we came to ( Fargo writer) Noah Hawley.”

Singer said Hawley has “created some extraordin­ary visuals to complement what will be a really ambitious and fun and very unique storyline.” – Reuters

 ??  ?? dan stevens plays mutant david haller in the upcoming TV series Legion, which is part of the X- Men universe. — FX
dan stevens plays mutant david haller in the upcoming TV series Legion, which is part of the X- Men universe. — FX

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