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VIRGO ( Aug 24 to Sep 23):

It’s the best time of the year to start a project or initiate important changes in your life. Devise a practical plan, Virgo, and then follow through with plenty of confidence and commitment.

LIBRA ( Sept 24 to Oct 23):

With the solar Eclipse stimulatin­g your solitude zone, strive to get some peace and quiet somewhere wonderfull­y private today, Libra. special solo time is soul food for you at the moment.

SCORPIO ( Oct 24 to Nov 22):

The solar Eclipse shines a spotlight on your goals and dreams for the future. The sun encourages you to go for gold, while the moon helps you follow through with plenty of purpose and persistenc­e.

SAGITTARIU­S ( Nov 23 to Dec 21):

There’s a lot going on at school or work, so step back and look at the current situation from a fresh perspectiv­e. Clear communicat­ion is the secret to boosting your productivi­ty and success.

CAPRICORN ( Dec 22 to Jan 20):

When it comes to your ambitious aspiration­s for the future, don’t rush things, Capricorn. Instead, have a smart and strategic plan, and then wait patiently for the most opportune moment.

AQUARIUS ( Jan 21 to Feb 19):

The solar Eclipse indicates a shift of gear in an important area of life. The heavens signal a fresh start for adventurou­s Aquarians, involving an intimate relationsh­ip or joint money matters.

PISCES Feb 20 to March 20):

When expressing yourself, don’t waffle on and then venture off into vague and confusing territory. With clear communicat­ion, you can connect with others in creative and satisfying ways.

ARIES ( March 21 to April 20):

pay close attention to your health and fitness today, rams, as the solar Eclipse activates your wellbeing zone. A regular routine will lead to more energy, productivi­ty and zest for life.

TAURUS ( April 21 to May 21):

With the solar Eclipse energising your entertainm­ent zone, you need to do more of what you love. Get physical, creative, musical, sporty – whatever you prefer – it’s time to get to it.

GEMINI ( May 22 to June 21):

have you been having trouble connecting with a fractious family member? The solar Eclipse encourages you to get talking again, as you work to keep the lines of communicat­ion open.

CANCER ( June 22 to July 23):

The solar Eclipse urges you to get personal with a relative or neighbour, as you get to the bottom of a problem. But, make sure you communicat­e your ideas clearly and concisely.

LEO ( July 24 to Aug 23):

With the solar Eclipse in your money sector, take stock of your current financial situation. And, don’t forget to do an inventory on your inner wealth, which includes your self- esteem and core values.

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