The Star Malaysia - Star2

Cost and effects

Delve int o t he u nknow n w it h people, fa milia rise you rself w it h fa st food a nd t a ke a w a lk dow n memory la ne, a mong ot hers, in t his w eek’sofferings.


writing about food franchises in Malaysia covering both homegrown and internatio­nal brands. The author put together informatio­n from the Internet, franchise brochures, magazines and news cuttings of interviews collected over the years to ensure as complete a coverage as possible. With stories about the ordinary people who did extraordin­ary things to launch successful franchises, the book aims to encourage people who are considerin­g embarking on this business model.

Lucky Number 9: Journey Of A Rubber Tapper’s Daughter

Authors: Publisher:

AT 19, the author left her humble home on a rubber estate to make her way in the wider world. In her pocket were “diamonds”, rubber tree seeds that, to her, represente­d growth. In her heart were her mother’s words, encouragin­g her. She needed all this, for she had a hard secret to carry under one sleeve of her blouse: a bad arm. In this memoir written with writer Lisa Cerasoli, Rina Tham shares her life story, how a rubber tapper’s daughter with one bad arm ended up travelling the world in between establishi­ng a successful career by believing that “if you live with your heart open, fear becomes an adventure”.

The Malayan Emergency: Essays On A Small, Distant War

Author: Publisher: MAINSTREAM history – not to mention fiction, and movies and TV shows – has many narratives about the Cold War in Europe. Less well known is the fact that one of the first conflicts of the Cold War happened in this country. The Malayan Emergency was a guerrilla war fought between British Commonweal­th armed forces and communist insurgents in Malaya from 1948 to 1960. Anthropolo­gist Souchou Yao tells this conflict’s story in a series of essays covering everything from the struggles of ordinary people in colonial Malaya to the effect counterins­urgency measures had on them. Among the vignettes are an encounter with a woman ex-guerilla and Yao’s recollecti­on of how his cousin was killed in a police ambush. This is a fresh look at the Emergency that shines the spotlight on failed revolution, ethnic relations, and the costs of modern counterins­urgency.

Truly Love Me

Author: Publisher: AUTHOR Karamjeet Kaur is a certified trainer and personal coach who has been searching for the meaning of true love since she was a child. Through her work over two decades in management systems and how people relate to them, she writes that she has “evolved in many levels” that has helped her understand her personal life. She wants to share her discovery that “true love is attainable with much patience, trust, determinat­ion, faith, and wisdom” and how accepting this has created “amazing miracles” in her life and showed her how to accept her life.

Islam For All

Author: Publisher: IN this book, the spirit of Islam is articulate­d in a very readable manner. The discourse is also comprehens­ive, covering the most important elements that readers need to properly understand the religion. It also aims at clearing the mispercept­ions that have plagued the religion for a very long time.

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