The Star Malaysia - StarBiz

Indonesia to net US$1.6bil from halal labelling rule

Mandatory regulation covers consumer goods and services


JAKARTA: Indonesia is set to make halal labelling mandatory for consumer products and services this year with the government assuming greater control of the certifying process from the Muslim-majority nation’s Islamic cleric council.

Issuing halal certificat­es to consumer goods from shampoos to toothpaste and cosmetics may net the government about 22.5 trillion rupiah (US$1.6bil) in annual revenue, said Sukoso, head of the Halal Product Guarantee Agency, known as BPJPH.

The draft regulation on mandatory halal labelling is awaiting President Joko Widodo’s approval, he said.

Indonesia is overhaulin­g the halal certificat­ion rules as the country’s syariah economy is set to swell to US$427bil by 2022, with halal food alone accounting for more than 50%, according to Bank Indonesia estimates.

Under a law passed in 2014, the country will need to implement compulsory halal labelling latest by Oct 17. Halal products and services cater to Muslims by complying with the religion’s tenets.

The new rules also aim to usher in greater transparen­cy in the certificat­ion process and guarantee a steady stream of revenue for the government, Sukoso said.

The rules require certificat­ion for all goods and services related to food, beverage, drugs, cosmetics, chemical, biological and geneticall­y engineered products as well as all consumer goods, he said.

Once the regulation comes into force, the BPJPH will start managing halal certificat­ion requests in partnershi­ps with the Indonesian Ulema Council – the issuer of religious edicts – and auditors under a so-called halal inspection agency, Sukoso said.

The labelling requiremen­t will be gradually implemente­d and it may take three to five years before covering most food and beverage products and five to seven years for health products, Sukoso said.

“We will first focus on food and beverage. If some products are still unable to meet the halal requiremen­ts, there is a period of as long as five years for the producers to fix the issues,” Sukoso said.

The agency also sees potential revenue from certifying unpackaged products as well as slaughterh­ouses, training services and sponsorshi­p.

The number of halal certificat­es issued last year more than doubled to 17,398 last year from a year ago as firms rushed to label their products ahead of the implementa­tion of the law, according to Muti Arintawati, a deputy director at the cleric council’s Food and Drug Analysis Agency.

The government agency wants to issue at least 100,000 certificat­es next year and plans to boost the number of auditors to 5,000 by 2020, Sukoso said.

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