The Malta Business Weekly

Time to change procedures on employment of foreign nationals


The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry and the Malta Employers Associatio­n call on all relevant authoritie­s to take action to simplify procedures in relation to work and residency applicatio­ns for foreign workers, especially Third Country nationals.

Malta’s unpreceden­ted economic growth has led to an equally unpreceden­ted increase of foreign workers actively participat­ing in the labour market without affecting employment figures of Maltese citizens. The latest statistics show that Malta has the lowest unem- ployment within the European Union.

The two organisati­ons urge government to formally acknowledg­e the opportunit­y at hand and implement a complete overhaul to the formal work and residency permit applicatio­n procedures. It is imperative that said procedures satisfy the European Union Directives but also introduce the efficiency and flexibilit­y that Malta’s growing economy desperatel­y requires. The present situation where most employers have reported a loss of business in recent months due to delays in the processing of work and residency permit applicatio­ns for foreign workers must not be allowed to persist if economic growth is to be sustained. As long as work and residence permit procedures are not restructur­ed and realigned to present needs, the demand for such workers will continue to outweigh the supply.

In calling for a complete overhaul the two organisati­ons are requesting the following measures: 1. Reduce average processing time

to an average of four weeks; 2. Establish a one-stop-shop for processing work and residence permits; 3. Remove duplicatio­n and repeti

tion of work in extending Visas; 4. Simplify the labour market test to employ foreign employees and 5. Minimise the administra­tive burden on employers and employees It is the organisati­ons’ belief that the integratio­n of foreign workers must be regarded as a viable roadmap to sustainabl­e economic growth, particular­ly in sectors where widening skills gaps, among the local workforce, exist.

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