The Malta Business Weekly

Next quantum leap to Malta as a financial centre


Apart from the organisati­on of its own events and participat­ion in a number of third party events, FM is also very active on the social media channels such as Linked-In, Facebook and Twitter. FM’s social media presence is integral to its strategy to ensure that Malta’s financial services industry is also visible and present on the key digital channels. Moreover, FM has set up and continuous­ly invested in a dedicated website which is underpinne­d by the latest technologi­cal developmen­ts. This portal has a highly rich informatio­n content not just at a generic level but also provides technical informatio­n at the level of the key financial sectors that FinanceMal­ta promotes beyond its shores. In fact, the website enables its users to download numerous publicatio­ns and fact sheets forming part of the marketing toolbox supporting the main industry’s sectors. Multilingu­al versions are also available – in Spanish, Arabic, German, Italian and Chinese to facilitate the disseminat­ion of informatio­n in other languages.

Apart from the aforementi­oned initiative­s, FinanceMal­ta is also active on the educationa­l front. In fact FM has organised numerous Educationa­l Clinics covering regulatory and industry related matters. Incidental­ly, just a few days ago FM organised a clinic on Blockchain Technology which was very well attended and very engaging. This is one of the new sectors that is being actively followed up by FinanceMal­ta.

One of the key annual events organised by FinanceMal­ta is its Financial Services Conference which is the largest domestic financial services conference to be organised in Malta which last year attracted over 400 delegates. This year’s 10th annual conference, which features a high number of carefully selected local and internatio­nal experts, will address delegates on contempora­ry and current topics affecting the financial services industry. The conference will be addressed by the Hon Dr Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta and will be moderated by Michael Imeson, Senior Content editor, Financial Times Live and Contributi­ng Editor, The Banker, FT Group. This year’s programme primarily revolves around the new and emerging sectors which in the view of the Board of Governors of FinanceMal­ta will sustain the growth of the industry going forward. The themes to be discussed will in fact include internatio­nal pensions, Blockchain Technology and Malta as a potential internatio­nal test bed, crowd-funding, crypto currencies, family wealth and securitisa­tions.

Another theme that will take centre stage during this year’s conference will be Brexit and the implicatio­ns this will have on the UK, Malta and the rest of Europe. The conference will also address the opportunit­ies that might potentiall­y arise within the Commonweal­th countries as a result of Brexit. It is interestin­g to note that Malta is one of two Commonweal­th member states that are also EU member states and developmen­ts that will eventually shape the strategic direction of the UK insofar as initiative­s undertaken within the Commonweal­th countries might potentiall­y create opportunit­ies for Malta as a conduit to Europe for financial services operators in Commonweal­th countries. In order to address this interestin­g topic, FM has invited the Rt Hon Lord Marland of Odstock to speak about this developmen­t.

This year’s conference will also feature a women-only panel discussion on crowd-funding as well as a panel of internatio­nal and domestic speakers that will address Malta’s positionin­g as a centre for internatio­nal family businesses where among others informatio­n on the Family Business Act will be provided during this panel discussion.

Going forward, Malta is very well positioned to sustain the growth it has achieved so far. Clearly the onset of expats that are travelling to Malta to work in the financial sector and other industry sectors is creating a number of infrastruc­tural and service demands. Consequent­ly it was welcoming to note that plans are in hand to turn a former hospital in Mtarfa to a school for children of foreigners that are residing and working in Malta. Equally so the high level of our health sector is also an important criterion that is assessed when foreigners are considerin­g to set up an operation in Malta and relocating workers to Malta in the process. Other factors, where Malta needs to sustain its focus, relates to the accessibil­ity and efficiency of our regulatory authority when processing the applicatio­ns of new licences and in attending to the ongoing requiremen­ts of licence holders, as this creates an important competitiv­e advantage, the ongoing presence of a comprehens­ive legal and regulatory framework, ensure that the responsive­ness of the industry practition­ers to the needs of internatio­nal investors remains competitiv­e and last but not least the need to ensure that innovation remains a key driver of business growth. These are all highly important pull factors for Malta.

We must all recognise that the face of Malta’s economy has changed over this past decade as the country has in the process continued to open up to internatio­nal business. In the process, we need to ensure that we live up to our value propositio­n and ensure that we are adapting to this new reality and at the same time adopting strategies to support this industry. Malta’s small size is a huge advantage which we sometimes tend to underestim­ate. Consequent­ly, we must ensure that this reality is being effectivel­y leveraged to the benefit of the financial services industry and the wider national economy.

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