The Malta Independent on Sunday




1. Popular game in the US (8) 5. Meat of the bull (4) 8. Child's bed with latticed sides (4) 9. Elaborate compositio­n for a full orchestra (8) 10.. Young swans (7) 12. A Carmelite, Dominican or Franciscan (5) 15. Pack of cards used in fortunetel­ling (5) 16.. Exceptiona­l (7) 20.. Herbaceous plant with spiny leaves (8) 21.. Period of prosperity in commerce (4) 22. Earnest appeal (4) 23. Intentions, aims (8)


1. Vehicle of two wheels propelled by pedals (8) 2. Move to and fro while hanging (5) 3. Any possession having value (5) 4. Green citrus fruit like a lemon (4) 6. Strong mental feeling (7) 7. Entrance hall of a theatre (5) 11. Number - rowing-boat crew (5) 12. Nonsense (5) 13. Small bouquet worn at a wedding (7) 14. Upright cylindrica­l pillars (7) 15. Beggar (5) 17. Puzzling problem (5) 18. Devotional paintings on wood (5) 19. Place of business (4)

 ??  ?? 28 August 16
28 August 16

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