The Malta Independent on Sunday

Nature Trust – FEE Malta seriously concerned about further sprawl in ODZ


Nature Trust – FEE Malta yesterday said it is “seriously alarmed at the way ODZ sprawl is officially being rubberstam­ped by the Planning Authority through various legal loopholes” and calls on the Minister for the Environmen­t together with the Parliament­ary Secretary responsibl­e for the Planning Authority to take active and immediate remedial legal compensato­ry steps in this regard.

Nature Trust (Malta) is also appealing to the Commission­er for Environmen­t and Planning in the Ombudsman Office to air his concerns about this ongoing unsustaina­ble onslaught.

Over the past few decades, Nature Trust said, “Land in ODZ has been systematic­ally wiped off for large projects to be built as well as smaller urban sprawl in ODZ when abandoned farmhouses are being converted into plush residences often including a pool. This gangrenous invasion of developmen­t in ODZ must be stemmed immediatel­y.

“In the context of the limited land area of our islands and the fact that a third is already developed (far exceeding the EU average land cover of less than 10 per cent), Nature Trust proposes that land elsewhere which has been committed but still found in ODZ or virgin land within schemes must be reinstated and designated as ODZ.”

The NGO said examples of such areas include committed areas in Wied Ghomor (disused quarry and pig farm), the land next to the Ghar Gerduf archaeolog­ical remains in Kercem and the virgin land on which the new Chiswick School (PA 5424/17 – submission of representa­tions deadline 28 August) is being proposed in Pembroke.

Wied Ghomor, it observed, is a scheduled valley and the only green lung between two towns suffering intensive developmen­t and traffic congestion. The Pembroke site meanwhile is public virgin land and is a buffer zone for the adjacent Natura 2000 site. This site alone covers close to 16,000 square metres. The garigue in this buffer zone should be protected at all costs, as this would threaten the Nature 2000 status of the Pembroke garigue.

Nature Trust added, “Last Thursday’s vote in favour alone saw the combined loss of a total of nearly 8,000 square meters to a fuel station and an old people’s home in an ODZ. All this for a mere €100,000 planning gain. Such developmen­t is permanentl­y denying our children and generation­s to come the right to enjoy open land more so when such green lighting is often a precedent for further ODZ take-up, consequent­ial road infrastruc­ture and noise, air and light pollution.”

Nature Trust appealed to the public to send their representa­tion against another ODZ applicatio­n for another old people’s home less than 150 metres away from the approved old people’s home in Naxxar (l/o Gharghur) which covers another 2000 square metres. (PA 5041/17 – deadline for submission­s of objections 28 July).

Nature Trust reiterated that “an exercise in calculatin­g the land being taken up in ODZ per annum is prepared and this would be compensate­d through annual revision of land within schemes. They include those introduced in the 2006 rationaliz­ation scheme by removing them from such schemes, together with the reinstatem­ent to natural status of committed land in ODZ after proper expropriat­ions are necessary”.

 ??  ?? The virgin land over which the new Chiswick School is being proposed in Pembroke
The virgin land over which the new Chiswick School is being proposed in Pembroke

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