The Malta Independent on Sunday

The caring community of the school needs resources


The impression I get is that schools are being run by crisis management when tackling of pupils with problems. I think that few resources are invested to help these students.

When a six-year-old pupil who is going through a traumatic period in his/her life because its family is lacking in respect or has a whole lot of problems, the school tackled the issue by using traditiona­l discipline when what this pupil needed was care, love, guidance, respect and an orderly routine adapted for him/her. Moreover, the family members must be forced to come on board.

Teachers in the complement­ary sector (who take primary school pupils out of class to help them in literacy) hear that they may be sent as class teachers. I think that the administra­tors do not appreciate the help being given to these struggling students, and I confirm this when I understand that this section of teaching is very much understaff­ed. I have also heard that complement­ary education is not being given in numeracy.

When I learn that the Nurture Club (which tries to create a family environmen­t at school to students who need it) is no longer providing food to the students who attend, I ask: why?

The caring community at school needs resources, profession­al personnel in all areas and support staff and backing from the authoritie­s to be able to function properly. It is better to try to remedy a situation from the beginning to nip the issue in the bud, than let the pupil become an adult and then sadly conclude that there is little hope of salvation. Joe Portelli Nadur

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