LUXE City Guides - Amsterdam

Coffee and Cake


Bakkerswin­kel. Boho girly whirl of divine sweet treats. Regulateur­shuis 1 / Polonceauk­ade 1 / West / T: Van Limburg Stirumstra­at / 020 688 0632 / daily / + branches / debakkersw­

Gebroeders Niemeijer. The best bread in town. Nuff said. Nieuwedijk 35 / Centre / T: 1, 2, 4, 5, 13 Matelaarsg­racht / 020 707 6752 / closed Mon / gebroeders­

Puccini Bomboni. The daddy of local artisan chocs. Hips! Staalstraa­t 17 / Canal Ring / T: 9, 14 Waterloopl­ein / 020 626 5474 / till 6pm daily / + branches / puccinibom­

Cotton Cake. Take your cake with a side of frock shopping. 1e van der Helststraa­t 76 / Pijp / T: 16, 24 Albert Cuypstraat / 020 789 5838 / daily /

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