Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Open line: readers’ letters


Switching on the light

Thank you so very much Amanda Sillars for sharing your story about your abduction at 11 (August issue). It opened my eyes and my mind to so much. While my children were never abducted, they experience­d trauma at very young ages. Five years ago I finally left their father after another affair and have never felt so relieved. Unfortunat­ely my daughter has been brainwashe­d by her father and will not communicat­e with me. It has broken my heart. With time, and through hearing and reading stories like yours, the light bulb has gone on and I have realised that my ex has always manipulate­d my daughter against me. With time I hope she will realise the truth and see her father for the person he really is. I am missing precious years here. NAME WITHHELD

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